Fork stop bumpers

Started by rob w, May 08, 2003, 11:18:47 PM

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rob w

Progress report: Went back to square one, decided the proper way to reproduce the bumpers would be to cast them in a mold just as the originals. Figured, if you're going to do it, they might as well look and feel like the real thing.
So, I'm finished with making the mold, I made it out of aluminum to do 11 pcs. at a time. Now I have to buy liquid polyurethane from "Thermocast", you can change the hardness of the urethane by using different mixtures. So, with some time (2-3 weeks) for development, I should be able to come up with a good batch of bumpers.


Randy Kirkbride

Keep up the good work in the R&D department. Let us know when you're ready to take orders.


Mick Milakovic

Thanks for the work, Rob!  I'm sure many POG'ers will be grateful for your efforts.

Mick Milakovic
Delphi, IN