Pentons racing at Mid Ohio

Started by tlanders, July 21, 2003, 02:31:36 PM

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Dennis Jones asked me to post this report, but again, I don't have the results, but I can give some highlights.

Four Penton riders were hurt. Kevin Brown was "T boned", as Al B. put it, in the first corner of his first of 12 motos which hurt his wrist. He STILL ran all 12 motos!!!!! THE IRON MAN OF ALL TIMES AWARD GOES TO KEVIN!!!! Bobby Lucas was hurt and has some broken ribs and a punctured lung. I tried to find out how he was this morning but couldn't catch up with him. Bob Wardlow and Mark Schmidt were involved in a terrible first corner crash that involved four other riders and red flagged the race. Bob was knocked unconscious when two other bikes ran over his head. There are tire marks on his helmet on both sides. They took him to the hospital and he was released a few hours later and drove home with Corky Root following him most of the way to make sure he was OK. I talked to him this morning and he said he was SORE!!!! Mark Schmidt has a big knot on his thigh, his leg does not bend very well and he is limping today. Both their bikes will need a lot of work before the next race. Mark's gas tank has a 4" hole in it.

With over 400 entries, the competition was fierce. It also seemed like there was a more competitive spirit in the air than usual at AHRMA events. Everyone went so hard and so fast. The straight away was so long that whatever your bike could do, it did in top gear. The Jim Pomeroy vs Brad Lackey race was awesome to watch. I felt sorry for the other competitors in that race, they were WAY back.

Larry Perkins fought a beautiful race and ended up 2nd after swapping places with the 1st place guy a number of times. Oh, wait a minute, he wasn't on a Penton. Jury, strike that from the record, you never heard me say that. This is the PENTON Owners Group not the H----- Owners Group!!! I believe that Rick Mercer also received a second on his Six Day. Curt Kennelly, 250 Penton, got knocked out of the race when his counter shaft sprocket came loose in the first moto and in the second moto got knocked down by another rider. Not a happy day for Curt, a faithful and fast Penton rider. Ted Grabowski garnered a third place in the 60+ expert class on a Mint 400. I bogged down at the start of the first moto and had to fight my way back to 5th place out of 13 intermediates. In the second moto I had a great dual with the 60+ Intermediate national points leader riding a 400 CZ but in the end he won and I got second. At one point in that race, I was second overall behind Jeff Smith with all the other experts and intermediates behind me. But inexperience prevailed and I slipped back to second in my class. The Mint 400 is an awesome bike, I just wish I was a better rider to do it justice. I took the Jim Pomeroy MX class on Saturday and it was worth it. Jim is a great teacher. The only problem was there was no time between the school and the race the next day to practice all the things he taught us. So now I'm in the race thinking, "let's see, in this situation I'm supposed to ------ " and it got very confusing. It's hard to break bad habits. There were a number of times though where it all clicked. Practice, practice, practice------.

I'm sure there were many more Pentons entered, but I don't know who they were. When I wasn't at school or racing, most of my time was spent fixing Harvey (the RV). On the trip to the New York AHRMA races two weeks ago, I lost a tire (blowout), the starter, fuel filters and plug wires. Spent a lot of time on my back going to and from New York. On the trip to Mid Ohio I lost the alternator and water pump. I keep telling Rosemary that on every trip we are "Refining Harvey". Maybe by 2005 it will be ready to go. Mark Schmidt, Kevin Brown and Sergio Navarrete (who came with me from my home town West Plains, who now wants to buy a Hare Scrambler, anyone have one to sell him?) did the repairs. They hardly would let me do a thing. I couldn't figure out whether it was a respect for their elders thing, or a "you don't know what your doing, let me do it" thing. They had to pull out the radiator to get the alternator out. Kevin came over to us after we had started working on it with the claim that he could change out an alternator in 15 minutes. He helped for over an hour then had to leave. When we finally got it out after about 2.5 hours we claimed we could do it in 14 minutes and 57 seconds. Got to bed about midnight Friday. The next morning got a ride to town with Diamond Don to buy the alternator. Got back just before noon and the MX school. Got out of school around 6:00 and showered and rushed over to the POG tent for the barbecue which was just over. With stomach growling and complaining for the next 1.5 hours, I had some nice visits with POGGERS. Then we went back to Harvey about 8:00 and chowed down on some trail mix, changed into work clothes, and Mark, Sergio, and I put Harvey back together again. Got to bed close to midnight again. I'm only telling you all this to try to make an excuse for me not doing a good job getting the Penton racers results!!!! Dave Withrow, where are you when we need you??????



Dave Withrow

Hey Teddy,
  Does West Plains have enough room for 2 POGGERs?  I just got some info on a piece of land down there.  
    Sounds like the Penton crew came through a little banged up.  I hope all riders came out O.K.  Bobby's injury sounds nasty!  I have full faith that Bobby, Bob. Kevin, and Mark will be back out there throwing dirt soon.  I'll be praying for a speedy recovery.  See you at Honda Hills?  GO PENTON



Actually, West Plains now supports 5 poggers. They are:

1. Alex Landers (my son) - '74 Piner
2. Jason Schloss (Phil's son)- '73 Six Day
3. Phil Schloss - two or three Pentons
4. James Seiber - building a Piner from parts in my barn and buying a 250 from someone in California.
5. Me - Pentons too numerous to count
 And I know that Rosemary would feel hurt to not be included on a poggers list, so
6. Rosemary - 1/2 of Pentons too numerous to count.




Sorry, I didn't answer your question. Rosemary and I are planning on Honda Hills. If enough poggers go, can we rename it Penton Hills?

Mark Schmidt took the MX school also on Saturday. At the end of the day I asked him if we could trade Mint 400's and see what each other's bike was like. After all the work I had done to mine, I wanted to see if it made any difference. The funny thing was, both of us thought our own bike was faster than the other. Let's see, how do you resolve these sorts of things ----- how about a race of some sort?


Dennis Jones


Thanks for the report, I hope the best for all the injured riders. Maybe next season I'll have my 125 MX'r done. There were also several Pentons in the trials. Lew Mayer and my brother Jamie battled it out on their Wassells in classic novice tying 2 loops with Lew comming out the victor after Jamie stalled his engine and got a five. I had a good first loop going but broke a brake stay on a log crossing on the second loop and had to drag my bike out of the section. After freeing the wheel so I could get back to the van I robbed a stay off a 79 KTM we bought in the swap meet and finished the trial but never got back in the groove and finished third in classic int. We had a great time and got to put more faces with names on this forum.
  Dave I hope to see you guys at the Portland cross country

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones



That first corner, 4 rider crash including Rob and Mark was frightful.  Rob was in 2nd coming out of the turn and then went down in front of the rest.  Being one of the first to Rob's rescue, I am amazed that he was able recover so quickly to drive himself home Sunday night!! There is something to be said about the power of prayer. Can you e-mail Rob's phone number to me ([email protected])? I'd like to give him a call.  

Pat Mickevicius
Pat Mickevicius

rob w

I honestly don't know how to begin, the word "thank you" does'nt express the graditude I'm feeling towards all the people that helped me through this situation. I am truly touched by the earnest caring and friendship that I've received from so many in this group. Your concern and assistance, and love and prayers were over-whelming. Thank you.
I have to apologize for putting some of you through this ordeal, I guess I was both lucky and stupid in the past. I never considered I might get injured like this, I've now learned traveling/racing alone is not a good idea. I can't thank you enough for picking up the pieces from one of my mistakes and handling and caring for me with an unconditional love.

There will be folks I've missed or forgotten, I'm sorry, I don't remember anything about the crash, I remember being at the starting line, then I woke up in the hospital, so I apologize if I'm leaving anyone out.
Pat Mickevicius and brother Mike, Rick Mercer and camp, Al Buehner, Karl Scheider, Patti & Corky Root, Teddy/Rosemary Landers & Sergio, Glen Gordon, Al Born, Doug Wilford, and I'm sure there are many more, sorry if I did'nt mention you.
I am over-whelmed by the brotherhood and true concern and love that exsists among the members of this group. I feel very blessed to know such wonderful and special people like yourselves. You're the best, thanks again.



Bob, I know you don't know this, Dave Janiec helped put the bikes in the trailer for you. It's great to hear you on the POG site again!!!



rob w

Thanks for bringing that to my attention, I sent Mr. Janiec a note, he really did alot to help me get through a tough time. Thanks all.



Best news is your safe return home!  Thanks for the note- I sent you a seaprate reply).  Terry Pratt of Cycle News helped me load and pack your trailer with the three bikes and gear. Hope they made it safely, we had a little bit of fun figuring out your tiedown configuration for the three bikes.
BTW, you probably haven't tried to unload yet, but your race bike is stuck in gear (the shift lever is artistically wrapped around the foot peg a couple times, and offset with beautiful green mid-ohio turf as a souvenir).  It will roll out nicely with the clutch in, but you will also have some significant pipe damage to deal with.  Otherwise the damage looked cosmetic.  All minor compared to your good health!
Hope to see you back in the saddle soon!
Dave Janiec