
Started by DKWRACER, June 26, 2003, 07:25:51 PM

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Seeking info on a possible Canadian 125cc Sachs powered bike called the Alouette, anyone with info greatly appreciated, I know where there is one...Tom....

Thomas Brosius


Tom what do you want to know I know some things and have some pics but not very good ones I would like to get some pics of this bike if its in good shape ..Brian T.

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

Paul Danik

I just returned home from picking up an early Berkshire and some interesting parts in New York.  The gentleman had a barn fresh Alouette that also made it's way home with me.  The bike is 95% complete and has some parts that are identical to the CMF Penton.  The pipe, heat shield, fender bracket and airbox cover appear to be the exact same parts.  The frame seems to be very similar, but slightly different. I have sent a Canadian friend an email asking for more info. It is stated on the fork head that it was made in Canada in 1973. It has a Sachs 6B engine. This is the first and only bike of it's kind I have ever seen.  It's frame # is 600109.



Paul I am trying to do research on the Alouette..... does it say on the frame that it was manufactured by KTM... I was told it was but I can Hardly beleive that KTM would sell such a closely copied Penton onto Canada... I know that it was manufactured (asembled )by  Alouette Recreation Products in Point Clare Quebec in early 70's. It came out when Bomardier  launched the CanAM and Alouette needed a product to sell to dealers for the summer. WE raced against alot of them in Canada but now they are hard to find... I have very rough pics of some but I need a nice pic for Historical reasons ...  If you take any could you pls copy some to me .. thks Brian T

Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

Paul Danik

The gentleman who owned the bike told me that KTM made the Alouette, I felt he was wrong but didn't say anything.  After getting information from several sources and also seeing how similar the machines are, I think KTM did make the bike. Even the airbox and swingarm look like the Penton. I will try to get the machine cleaned up this weekend and get some pictures. I have not seen any KTM markings yet, but there is still a good layer of grime to be removed.
Thanks for your help.