Started by gooey, March 05, 2001, 07:31:28 PM

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no,, not the Band my kids listen to ....

 Larry !  where are you ??? everything ok in your corner of Pentonia ?? I havent heard from you for awhile ! hope your ok !  send up a flare or sumthin ....  

 AND..  anyone hear from Barry Ely ???  if you see this Barry,, I think I speak for the whole crowd when I say we hope you're gettin along ok !   have faith, man,, time heals some pretty deep wounds ! ... and so does springtime and 2 stroke mix !   Let us know about you !  

 sorry to take the stand, guys,, I'll get back down and let you continue what you were doin!

Mike Lenz



Larry Perkins


Larry Perkins here.  A friend called me and said I was being discussed on Vinduro.  He said that there were multiple theories as to my missing personness.  He also told me of your post.  Sorry to be MIA.  

It has been a combo of things.  Number one I got the flu from Hades.  I have never been so sick.  The same bug ran rampant through my janitorial staff which was the number two reason I have been absent.  I did a lot of cleaning because we were short handed and clients still need taking care of.  

These two things also got us way behind on orders for The Penton Man.  Between you guys and EBay sick happened at a bad time.  We are almost caught up and appologize for any probs it caused.  If any one has been missed on e-mail or orders feel free to prod me or call.

We have also been busy getting Pentons ready for the coming season of racing.  Our racing stable this season will include a 74 Six Days that will be ridden by Jesse and Jana in our Missouri State MX races and by me at some Regional and National MX races.  A 1974 250 Harescrambler that I will ride at State, Regional, and National MX races.  A 1975 250 Harescrambler that I will race at Post-Vintage National Cross Country races.  A 1973 250 Harescrambler that I will ride at the ISDT reunion.  A 1974 175 Jackpiner that Jesse will ride at Vintage National Cross Country races.  A 1977 250 MC5 that I will race at State, Regional, and National Post-Vintage MX races.  Last but not least a 1974 Mint 400 that I will race at Regional and National MX races.

Another thing that has been keeping me busy is that we have had a lot of Penton projects in the fire like sticker recreation, seat cover reproduction, bushing reproduction, a couple of trick aluminum skid plates for MX and enduro that bolts up to original mounts, and an aluminum stand the right heighth for vintage bikes.

Basically we have been running ragged and hopefully soon some of the rewards of new product and riding will be reaped.  Thanks for yours and others concern.  I am alive and well in Pentonia.

Barry Ely I have heard nothing from.  Anyone else?  

By the way in case any of you knew him I just found out that Ira Burroughs died.  We got all of Ira's Penton inventory and a lot of Penton bikes awhile back.  Ira was a Penton dealer, racer, and all around character.  He rode many harescrambles and enduros in the Ohio area.  Godspeed Ira.  I hope there are great trails in heaven.

Thanks for the podium-Larry Perkins

Edited by - Larry Perkins on 03/08/2001  09:48:37 AM

Chris Brown

We're glad to hear from you Larry.
And all the projects sound great.

I wish some of those events or something like them were out here in California. You've got quite a stable of Penton rides!



Tony Price

Hi Larry,

Glad to know all is well, yet busy.  If you see this and have the time, please check your e-mail for my response to an earlier exchange about a Jackpiner.


Tony P


great to hear youre ok, Larry !  so YOU are the reason we cant find any cool Pentons ... quit hogging them all !  OK,, GO AHEAD AND HOG 'EM .. AT LEAST THEY ARE IN A GREAT PLACE ! ! !  

 sounds like some really neat things there,,

 Tony,, sorry,, I , too have been busy .. i really wanna get up to pick up my other bike this weekend,, and I blew the trans in my tow vehicle at a really inopportune time,, so i got my trusty ole Plymouth Trail Ruster out and am prepping it for the journey .. your stuff's comin,, albeit slowly,, I apologize for the dealy ,, ill try to find a way to make it up to you !  

 Again,, great to hear from ya Larry ! Maybe Ill see you at some Mo Mx stuff this year ... Ill be the track obstacle,,, just shoot me a lil roost on your way by !