Great Time at the Annual Meeting

Started by Keithuu, February 08, 2004, 10:53:58 AM

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I just wanted to say what a terrific time my wife and I had yesterday at the annual POG meeting. Altho' this is my third year of membership, this is ashamedly the first meeting I've attended. I've belonged to many similar groups over the years and I can say without fear of contradiction, the POG folks are the best.

Depite being "newbies", my wife and felt very welcome and every one, including "The Man" himself was very approachable and affable.

The discussions by Al Born, John, and Larry Bastedo, with commentary by such luminaries as Dane Leimbach, Helmut Clasen, Paul Danik, and others, was interesting, informational, nostalgic, and inspirational.

So much so, in fact, that on the way home to Michigan, I cut a deal with James Hammontree for his '75 250, thus making me (again) a proud Penton papa.

The venue at the AMA was ideal for the meeting and in spite of a litt;le snorkey weather, all was perfect. Regrettably, we had to leave after lunch (yummm!!) to take care of a bit of business Saturday afternoon, but the time we spent with the group was truly enjoyed.  

Like it or not, you folks will see more of me in the future.




After having lived and helped develop "the Penton era", it is truly amazing to me to relive the happenings of the period. I am flabbergasted by all the information that people have gathered that we on the inside, never bothered to pay attention to. I think it all goes back to what Uncle John said yesteday: we never set out to create anything like what occurred, but rather were just in pursuit of the best bikes we could create for us to race with. So, many of the details that happened, were just other steps along the way.

I'd like to thank everyone who has delved so deeply into the Penton history and amassed the knowledge that they have. To Al Born for his first hand account of the first new Pentons. To Mike O'Reilly for his insight on memorabilia collection. To Kent Knudson for his attention to the development of the various years and models. With KTM's flexibility and our demands, this is truly a tall order. To Paul Danik for again pulling together an enjoyable day at the AMA. I'm really looking forward to next year, when we will get to see the new motocross exhibit. While I understand that Harley Davidson has a huge part in motorcycle heritage in our country, they, as a brand, just don't trip my trigger. Probably because I've never been involved with them.

Thanks to Larry Bastedo for his humorous stories about "The Cord". As Larry related, that event was special because it just didn't seem to have the "pressure" of the other events we went to. It had an element of fun to it, that most of the other events we went to, seemed to lack.

I'm happy to be involved with the organization to provide whatever information I can about the happenings of the day.

Oh, and let's not forget to thank the AMA for being our hosts. Having such a fine venue at which to hold this type of event, is really an advantage.

See everyone down the trail.


Randy Kirkbride

I also had a great time as usual at the POG meeting at the AMA.  I'd like to thank everyone that gave us all the great info. Neat to see some of the faces that we only see twice a year, too. (AMA & Mid-Ohio).  I'd also like to thank Tom Garrett for inviting everyone over to his house after the meeting for a great lasagne dinner prepared by his wife.  Sure had a great time for the whole day.  Can't wait till next year.

Weather ??  This year was a heat wave compared to last year.[8D]


I forgot to express my appreciation to Tommy Garrett for the invitation to his house. Unfortunately, I was unable to take Tommy up on the invitation, as I had to leave earlier than I would have liked, to drive to Massillon, for the AMA District 12 Awards Banquet. As if on enduro time, I arrived at the hall, at the precise moment that "our" table was getting up to go get our food. Pretty good timing, eh? In sort of a twisted sense, I'm sorry the dinner at the Garrett's was a good dinner, because I didn't get to enjoy it. Oh well, maybe if they do it again next year. Thanks anyway, Tommy.



What a great weekend, sure glad I made the 500 mile trip.  Thanks Randy for letting me sleep in the Penton suite and thanks to the Garrett's for the supper after the great day at the museum.  Very interesting listening to all of the Penton people talk about the fun they had back in the "Day".  Speedy is a very interesting character and funny too!!  Isn't July ever going to get here? ;)
I was talking with a friend at work and told him about what happened over the weekend and he said, you have friends all over the country.  He is right, and Penton's have really made that happen.
thank you all,
Rod Gorzny (Rocket)


Quotequote:Originally posted by Rocket

What a great weekend, sure glad I made the 500 mile trip.  Thanks Randy for letting me sleep in the Penton suite and thanks to the Garrett's for the supper after the great day at the museum.  Very interesting listening to all of the Penton people talk about the fun they had back in the "Day".  Speedy is a very interesting character and funny too!!  Isn't July ever going to get here? ;)
I was talking with a friend at work and told him about what happened over the weekend and he said, you have friends all over the country.  He is right, and Penton's have really made that happen.
thank you all,
Rod Gorzny (Rocket)

Make that:
You have friends all over the WORLD.

Helmut Clasen KTM
162 Hillcrest Ave
L9H 4Y3
Dundas Ontario Canada
[email protected]
Sachs GP-GS 250-7A reeds
Zuendapp 125 GS ISDT repl.73
KTM 450 EXC Auto.03
Duke spec.Edit,1996
Adventurer 02


All over the world, and don't forget outerspace.  Speaking of the Man from Mars...  anyone heard from Paul since the meeting?  From what I understand, he was responsible for pulling all of the doings together ... and for keeping the meeting on track ... no easy task!

Paul Danik

I would like to thank Kent Knudson, Al Born, Mike O'Reilly, Ed Youngblood, Larry Basdedo, and of course John Penton, for giving so freely of their time and knowledge at the POG meeting. It is amazing to think of how much history and knowledge is contained by this group.

     When help was needed to tape the presentations Lynn Camp was quick to offer her assistance, it was a pleasure to meet Lynn and her husband Jim, we hope to see them at many POG events. Thanks!!!

     I don't know of any other marque where one can sit amoung so many of the main persons who developed and promoted it.   It was  neat to have Matt and Barb Weisman on hand as Mike O'Reilly spoke about Penton memorabilia.  Matt and Barb were behind the Penton and Hi-Point promotional materials and even modeled in some of them along with their daughter.

     Special thanks for the door prizes given by John Penton, Bill Smith, Larry Maiers, Randy Kirkbride and Don Roth.  Thanks also to Young Ted and his bride Connie for handling signup.

     The dinner at Tommy Garret's after the meeting was great, Tommy used to work for Penton many years back and now lives only a couple of miles from the AMA.

     If I missed anyone I am sorry, but I think you all get the message, all that you do is appreciated.  Only 51 weeks till the next winter meeting, plan head!!!!  



Paul - you make a great point. It was so productive to be able to turn to someone like Dane, Matt, Al, Barb, John, Doug, you... and a couple of others whose names I didn't catch ... when a question arose.  It was a great venue to clear up some questions -- to get the straight scooop from those that were working at Penton Imports. It needs to be done more often.


Speaking on behalf of myself and my buddy, Terry Daniszewski, the event was great.  We both signed on as POG members that day.  The receptive attitude of everyone we encountered was terrific.  It has been my experience that in other pursuits involving rare and difficult to find machines, collectors are often much more secretive and protective of parts and/or sources.  The open, supportive, and cooperative atmosphere demonstrated by POG, by comparison, is a lot more fun.  Mr. Klasen in particular is a gem.  Thanks to all for a great organization.