This and that

Started by rob w, September 14, 2003, 12:21:34 AM

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rob w

1- I've been told by a reliable source that the October POG meeting will be held on friday evening, in Massachusetts, at the ISDT reunion. Super cool! We'll have alot of legends in attendence.

2-In the latest Sept. AHRMA "Vintage Views" magazine, there were letters from Mike Lenz, I agree with you Mike.
Bobby Lucas, great to hear he's well again.
And a picture and write up about Kevin Brown, he'll always be #1 in my book.
In the latest October issue of AMA's "American Motorcyclist" mag., is'nt that Dennis Jones watching the "wall of death" rider (far right) on page 23.

3-I just got some motorcycle insurance to license my Penton for the "Reunion Ride", the first two places I called said they would'nt insure a bike that was more than 20 years old, I finally got it from "Progressive", the minimum coverage and lowest rate came to $179.00 a year. Does that sound about right?

4-I just discovered (from a junker I bought)a Penton part that I never knew exsisted. It's a black plastic air box cover for the 76-77 MC5's. It covers the big opening on the left hand side of the box. I have always wondered how I could make one of those more water-proof.

5-When you see an ad, like on Ebay, and it says "NR", what does that mean? The only thing I can guess is "never raced", is that right?

6-Sorry if I've been sounding lately like I'm down on vintage moto-cross racing, I've definetly had some ups and downs this year, I know now I should have used my brain as much as my wrist. I really do enjoy it alot, it's just that huge hospital bill that pissed me off, but that's my problem, sorry. I'm planning on racing at Red Bud on Oct. 19, I hope I see some of you guys there.

That's all for now.

Edited by - rob w on 09/14/2003  12:29:35 AM


Rob good to hear you are getting ready.
Yea..I'm just now getting ready and have just read about ARHMA "sunset" rule and other things on the net.( BTW I liked Rick Doughty's letter about this on the VI website.) I never raced AHRMA-just TVRC and it looks like it is more complicated. Well-it figure thatsome of the most scrutinized bikes would be Pentons and Maicos ( my favorites). I won't make any TVRC races before Late Oct with the current progress of the Maico. I might consider buying a 400 mc5
sooner ( I'm just sure someone has a clean one they are dying to get rid of LOL).
The next TVRC race is NOv 15-the same day of an inventory at my store.
Anyone have any experience racing with the AZ or So Cal clubs? I  want to go racing soon.
 Bobby Lucas is pulling through like I knew he would. I watched him take a fifth gear dive off a hare scrambler at Tyler and walk away some years back. I know what you mean about costs one of my asst. mgrs at work is about to get his cast off Mon.-but will be paying med bills for a while.

Well see some of you at the races soon.
Thank you, James in Tucson

I have bike parts in the kitchen cabinets where most people have dishes..
7\\" and 4\\" travel? Hmm-that makes 11\\" Hey! I can live with that.


#3.  I insure my 03 KTM 200 for $75 a year, liability only.

#4.  I know the GS6 models had the black cover over the airbox and I assumed the MC5's would be the same.

#5. Possibly "no reserve"??


Dennis Jones

#2 Yes thats me, I'm surprised how many people have noticed that. I don't know who took that picture but Paul Danik was watching across from me at about that angle. That show was very entertianing, check it out if you ever get a chance. Rhett Rotten is really flying around that track.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Paul Danik

#1 We are having a POG meeting at the ISDTR on Fri. evening.  This meeting is going to happen only if it DOES NOT interfere with the Pathfinders plans. We hope to get together after the BBQ and have a meeeting  hoping that some of the guys who never get to make a meeting might be there and enjoy attending.

Dennis, I didn't take that picture but the guy who did must have been looking over Chad and mine shoulders. You know Dennis I think you could ride that barrel on your Wassell!