Major Vintage Motorcycle Museum Fire

Started by LynnCamp, September 18, 2003, 05:57:37 AM

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Sad to say that I got a glimpse on the news this morning that there was a devastating fire in at a major vintage bike museum (reportedly caused by a cigarette).  I only caught the tail end of the report, so I don't know the location.  It was a terrible sight to see hundreds of those wonderful bikes in such ruin.  You would think that such a museum would have a bullet proof fire protection system!! Yikes!!! What a tragic waste!!!

In my day job, I have access to all of the news wire releases so I will keep an eye out for more detail.



Found a newswire report from England, but no photos yet.

Hundreds of vintage bikes destroyed in museum fire.

By Danielle Demetriou.
202 words
17 September 2003
The Independent - London
(c) 2003 Independent Newspapers (UK) Limited . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, distributed or exploited in any way.

IRREPLACEABLE vintage motorcycles were destroyed last night when fire swept through the National Motorcycle Museum in Solihull, Birmingham.

More than 650 bikes worth an estimated £8m were lost in the blaze, which broke out shortly before 5pm while as many as 100 people were attending a function at the museum. Staff and guests attempted to remove the 900-strong collection from the heritage site building, but they were able to save only 250 bikes because of the severity of the blaze, which spread rapidly and could be seen from 15 miles away.

Staff at the museum were said to be "absolutely devastated" at the loss of the bikes, which were among the fastest and most expensive in the world.

A spokesman for West Midlands Fire Service said: ""They are all old bikes and they are completely irreplaceable. It is dreadful. Part of our heritage has been destroyed."

The National Motorcycle Museum chronicled the history of the motorcycle industry with collections of vintage bikes ranging from the 1935 Ariel Square Four to the 1970s Triumph Racers.

Fire service investigators and police were at the scene to identify the cause of the blaze.



Following is a link to the Museum's website.  They will be making an appeal for parts in order to restore the bikes.  Maybe you guys with connections to other vintage websites can spread the word for help.
Quote from website:
"Many irreplaceable machines will have been damaged in the fire, but, where possible, they will be restored once again to their original showroom condition. To this end we shall be appealing for many scarce components and parts which will be needed. Details will be posted to this web site shortly."