ISDTRR Weather and Foliage Report

Started by johnm01880, September 25, 2003, 11:08:02 AM

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I just checked on the extended weather forecast and the foliage
report. See below for weather projections, foliage predictions, and current foliage conditions for Berkshires and Pioneer Valley. As it looks now, it should be a spectacular weather weekend.

If you want to see more than 70 ISDT veterans -- including  the Penton family, the 73 Silver Vase team, the 73 OSSA team, a bunch of ISDT wannabes -- please come out to visit on Saturday or Sunday, October 4/5. Loction: Jim Hoellerich's Ayr Hills Farm, 192 Henry Wood Road, Cheshire, MA (check out for easy directions).

Besides all the neat folks and vintage motorcycles, there'll be lots of other fun including Jim's Vintage Trailbike Museum, vendors, great food, souvenirs, ISDT 73 DVD for sale at the Penton Owner's Group display, collectors item souvenir programs, order forms for ISDT Reunion Ride documentary video/DVD, and more.

This is a "Don't miss it" event.

John Leone
For Saturday, October 4, 2003: high of 63F, low of 41F; partly
cloudy, 10% chance of showers

Fall foliage colors will be spectacular, according to the Department
of Environmental Management. Brilliant colors are expected
throughout Massachusetts and in particular in Berkshire and lower
Worcester County where there is a high concentration of sugar
maples. Due to the moist summer conditions, warm days and cool
nights, peak color is expected to turn in early October, a bit sooner
than usual.

Reports of Sugar Maples sporting some reds, oranges and yellows have
come in from the Berkshires, Pioneer Valley, and Central Mass.

The Pioneer Valley is showing about 3% color - much higher in the
small river valleys and swampy areas dominated by red maple. Some
other species showing orange/yellows there as well. Maples along
town roads also showing some color.