Barry Ely's Penton Page

Started by Paul Danik, March 14, 2001, 09:11:12 AM

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Paul Danik

I have recieved numerous requests lately for help in getting to Barry Ely's Penton Page.  I used to access the page through the AHRMA links and that no longer seems to work.  Apparently the page no longer exists. If you have a method of accessing the page please post it here for all to see. We know that Berry has been and still is going through a rough time and maybe he had to shut it down.
Barry deserves a big THANK YOU from all of us Penton lovers for being the one that blazzed the internet trail and started his Penton page on his own before the POG ever existed.



Sondra, who does the POG site, has all the things that were on my site on a CD. My site will be back up as soon as $ allows.



Barry, Your site was so informative that I am willing to help fund it.Please e-mail me with what you need to get it back up and running. Thanx! Check the responses to your sale of your 250. I'm sure other POG members are willing to help.

Edited by - metalkfab on 03/16/2001  12:02:34 PM


It sounds like all you need is the material. Post your addr and I will send you a CD with everything that was on my site. Boy, I miss having a pc! The one I am on now is at a friend's house and it is a new Gateway. It rocks!



Thank You for your response.I will try to get my son to post your CD to my company's website for all POG to utilize.Please send to All Custom Fabricators,1200 Brookpark Rd.,Cleveland Ohio,44109. Thank You



You know Sondra who does the POG site has a CD of my site and I believe she lives in Cleveland. If you contact her I'm sure she would burn you a copy. Here is her e-mail addr: [email protected]