new to pentons

Started by loosecannon39, November 25, 2003, 12:07:26 PM

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hi guys.    can a KTM 175    77 model  be upgraded to larger displacement??  I believe KTM made a 250, and a 400 for penton at one time.   also need to know about mods for low and mid range power , and durability.  this will be a trailrider for an extra heavy dude.

thanks Dan


G Ellis

You can't put a 250 or 400 top end on a 175 lower end. Top end jug bolts are to close. I have a 175 GS6 77. I bought a 79 jug, the 79 jug has different ports for more low end. Also if you do not have a lectron 36mm carb, I would get one. This will give you more lower end power instead off buying a jug. Put both of these together and hold on to the bars. Hope this will help.