Is it just me...............

Started by rob w, January 25, 2004, 06:13:33 PM

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rob w

......or have you also noticed that the prices of parts on ebay have been sky-rocketing (or at least on the high side). Maybe it's just that time of year when more people are itching to finish those almost complete machines. Or maybe they're just getting more popular and valuable. [?]

Rain Man

Hi Rob,   whenevwer another Penton gets brought back on line, its just someone bought the available parts to make it happen. And also made that part less available. "The stockpile"  will get smaller and smaller. I know I'm contributing to the price dilemma. while where on the subject of parts, do you have any to trade/sell or whatever??:).
   Just joking of course here !! Happy trails
 Down East Pentons