Help me I.D. my MC5?

Started by penton117, February 05, 2004, 11:02:08 AM

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Hi Guys,

I just picked up what I was told is a 1977 MC5 250cc. I am not quite sure, however because it has a huge red tank that says KTM and also says "world Champion" on it. I thought MC5 bikes had the smaller MX tank. Also the pipe looks like the one on my '74 250. Sweeps straight up from the cylinder and over the head. I thought the '77 MC5 had a pipe that exited down from the cylinder and than looped back up and over the head. And finally, this bike has shouldered aluminum wheels. The frame number is 55002997. So, any guesses? [?]


Have you tried looking under Production Years?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Your bike is more then likely a '76. I have a '76 250 MC5 with a serial of 55003567 which is one of the highest serials for a '76 that I have seen. If I'm not mistaken, Rob W has been keeping a serial hisotry of the MC5s.

The pipes really are quite similar at first glance with the differences being that the MC5 has a small straight section after the first 90 dergree bend out of the manifold and the '74 has one single 180 bend. The MC5 front mounting tab clamps to the front frame down tube, while the '74 clamps to one of the small top tubes next to the high breather. Then it's at the tail end where they take on an identity of their own.

The MC5 tanks are bigger then CMF MX tanks, about as large from the side as 74/75 enduro tank, but narrower.

John J Slivka
John J Slivka