Wanted: Owners manual (or copy) GS250 twin shock

Started by El-Viejo, February 01, 2004, 08:22:29 AM

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I am looking for an owners manual (or copy) for a GS250 twin shock.

Age is a tate of mind and an affliction of the body.  My mind will never surrender!
Age is a tate of mind and an affliction of the body.


i have copies of the requested manuals.There are three issues:Repairing is together with service,then the chassis spare and the engine spare.tons of parts also avaialble for that model( im riding one my self,GS 250 1982,brings lot of fun!)
[email protected]


Oye, cual año, tu GS?
Tengo una de 81 que me gusta mucho. Estoy casi listo para partirlo ahora. Espero el verano porque es el medio del invierno aqui y no puedo manejar. Tenemos como un medio metro de nieve!!
Vivo en suecia..

Saludos y buena suerte co la moto


You Swedes are such show-offs ! Yes,I can say this as a 50% Swede.Maybe I should ride a Husqvarna.Uff-da !


Mr. Fab,
  I'm happy to know you are giving it 103%.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


But dont ride the italian made Huskys,thats like you were bulding motorcycles in a cosmetician shop....
seems like Bengt speaks lots of languages! ok, i had also spain half a year in school,but i dont remember much. but russian sounds also very interesting:  Obrijas shisni! Dosvidanje!


Dirt Bike ... how is this for a translation???

It hears, as year, your GS? I have one of 81 that I like much. I am almost ready to divide it now. I wait for the summer because aqui is the means of the winter and cannot handle. We have like a half meter of snow! Alive in Sweden. Greetings and good luck Co moto.


Sorry! Din't mean to try to show off. It's just that "El-Viejo" means "the old one" in spanish and I assumed that we where dealing with a spanish speaking dide here. You english speaker are used to be adressed in your own language so it's no big deal. But we others aren't, and spanish, german, italian and french speaking people aren't always so good in english and as therefore usually locked out from participation in places like this. I just thought that someone sometime might felt welcomed and would appreciate if they where met in their language. If there where a conversation in a foreign language with me involved, I would translate it for everybody to see just to show respect, of course!

Here is a more accurate translation:
Oye, cual año, tu GS?
"Hey, what year is your GS?"

Tengo una de 81 que me gusta mucho.
"I have one and like it a lot"
Estoy casi listo para partirlo ahora.
"I'm almost ready to start it up now"

Espero el verano porque es el medio del invierno aqui y no puedo manejar.
"I'm awaiting the summer because it's the middle of the winter here and I can't ride"

Tenemos como un medio metro de nieve!!
"We have, like half a meter of snow"
Vivo en suecia..
"I live in sweden"

Saludos y buena suerte co la moto (con la moto) mispelled!!
"Greetings and have good luck with the bike"
