penton chassis V799

Started by pablito356, February 27, 2004, 07:31:04 AM

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Hi all
I need help from someone of you.
I need to know where is located now the red penton steel tanker chassis V799, if someone have news please contact me directly.
[email protected]

paolo gandossi
paolo gandossi

Paul Danik

   I am sure that the POGGERS will try to find your information for you.  Would you be so kind as to give us in the US some insight as to what is happening in your country as far as the vintage motorcycle movement.  Are there lots of events?  Can you ride off road on trails or is riding space limited?  Are KTM and Penton bikes readily available?
    I rode in your country in 1974 in the Camerino ISDT, it was quite and event with all of the mountains to climb and then decend.  I understand that they are having a reunion ride this year as it is 30 years since the Camerino ISDT, are you riding in it?  Did you know that Mr. Penton had the Camerino event filmed and made a movie of it?     Good luck with your search.
Thank You.
Paul Danik


Dear Paul
I tryed to answer you some days ago, but your email system bloked my email with an antispam.
please give me another email address, I have something for you
thenks, Paolo

paolo gandossi
paolo gandossi

Paul Danik

   My email address is [email protected]  if that doesn't work for you send your message to the POG webmaster who will forward it to me.
[email protected]

Paul Danik

Bob Gilman

Paul, Who has a copy of the Camerino ISDT movie, I sure would like to see it. I went on the Penton trip that year. It would bring back alot of fond memories.      Thanks,   Bob

Paul Danik

    The original copy of the 1974 Camerino ISDT film is in the hands of the POG and we hope to get it transfered to DVD. The film also contains the 1975 ISDT held at the Isle Of Man so it is pretty interesting. I can't give you any idea at this time as to when it will be available, but it is on the list of things that need done.

Kip Kern

Speaking of movies, anyone know what happened to the helmet cam video at the ISDTRR?  Would love to have a copy.