Joining POG

Started by Swampy, February 19, 2004, 11:05:56 PM

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Hey fellow Poggers, I joined, officially (read: sent in my $20) at the beginning of the month. But I don't know what the benefits are of joining! Will I get a newsletter or stickers or something?

Also, I've gottten a bit jealous of all this talk about Pentons at the AMA and meetings and what not, but they're all in Ohio! Any other Poggers, vintage KTM lovers out there that live in Florida? Let's put on our own Sunshine State POG Rally sometime...

Anyway...just thinkin'...

You ain\\\'t ridin\\\' if the wheel\\\'s ain\\\'t turnin\\\'


  Welcome to the club and I hope that the Penton Owners of Florida will do somrthing to put on your own ralley or at least meet say during "Speed Week".

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Mick Milakovic

The Penton Owners of Florida? (POF) Does that make the Penton Owners of Indiana, POI eaters? ;)



I should not have said anything, I know what your going to name us Texans that own Pentons.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


POT???? Now that is a name everyone wants to be associated with. LOL

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Well Donny since your from North Texas (Oklahoma) will let you form the North POoTS.  You know. North Penton Owners of Texas.  Don't worry Donny I'll go stand in the corner without being told.  You remember from football it's called a Time Out.
Your Friend,

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Is it better to ne a North Poots or a South Poots? Ron, you keep tears in my eyes sometimes.

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


That's POoT.  Get that spelling correct.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Hey BR,
Does it really matter if it's a big POOT or a little POoT?

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Mick Milakovic

Ok, how about the Penton Owners of Pennsylvania? POoP! [}:)]


john durrill

 there are at least 3 POG members in Fla. My self , my son Peter and Rick G.
We  live in the north end of the state. Welcome to the POG group and I hope we can ride together sometime soon. I'm a little dinged up just now but should be able to ride late spring or early summer.
John D.

Paul Danik


   Thank you for joining the POG. The support of members like yourself is what keeps this whole enjoyable group going. As a POG member you will receive 4 newsletters per year, a membership decal, and on occasion some very interesting Penton collectables that are distributed to members only. Most recently the POG has made a collection of four historic Penton postcards that are given out one per year. These postcards help to visually tell some of the Penton history.
   I was in contact with the membership director this morning after  reading your post and we are checking as to why you haven't recieved anything as of yet. He may have contacted you directly by email, but either way we will get things ironed out, and once again thanks for your support.



I just joined at the beginning of the month, so I understand I may be rushing it. I run a club as well and we do new memberships on a monthly basis. As long as ya'll haven't forgotten me, I'm good with that. No worries.

I was just curious as to what comes with membership. I never saw a list of what a member gets, but I joined anyway. Why? because this is the only place that's keeping the history of the Big P alive and is worthy of my membership fee!

Thanks for replying. I appreciate it.

You ain\\\'t ridin\\\' if the wheel\\\'s ain\\\'t turnin\\\'


Mick, That is just too funny.  I was laughing so hard, I almost gave true meaning to your suggestion.  

Quotequote:Originally posted by Mick Milakovic

Ok, how about the Penton Owners of Pennsylvania? POoP! [}:)]