Florida POGgers

Started by Swampy, February 20, 2004, 10:58:37 PM

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Keith,  Thank you for the offer to hook up.  I am going to be in Naples the week of March 21st, to visit my dad.  Will try to get together.  I definitely want to go see Terry.  Would he happen to still be in the same shop, out on Immokolee Road?  Also, am trying to remember: your dad's first shop, on Kirkwood, wasn't that over on the East Trail somewheres?  I remember going there, and he actually permitted me to test ride a 125 Can Am TNT - one of the coolest bikes I've ever been on.  How would he have known back then what a lasting memory he created?  Amazing what impact the bikes have had on us.  TED


Paul,  I am curious, what route is being taken for the street-legal conversions?  Are POG'ers creating systems from various separate components, or buying the ready-make conversion kits?  A friend of mine bought one of those big-buck over the counter kits for his XR600 because he wanted to assure he would pass the initial inspection at the DMV.  Then, when he gets there, they simply ASKED if he had made the bike street legal.  Never even looked at it.  Dual-sport conversions would certainly broaden our opportunities to use the bikes for riding activities.  However, off-road "poker runs" have become quite popular and require no special equipment.  TED  

Quotequote:Originally posted by Paul Danik

    You wouldn't happen to know Harris Turner by chance?  Harris started a gathering spot for BSA riders during Bike Week a number of years back and it sure has grown.  This year Harris is one of the movers and shakers behind the big BSA doings during Bike Week.  The reason I bring this up is that Harris is a Florida member of the Ohio Valley BSA Owners Club and had just the same thought as you have, but with BSA's, and it sure worked well.
     You know with all of the POGGERS who are getting their Penton's street legal I wonder how a Vintage Dualsport ride might work out. Wouldn't a group of street legal Pentons crusing the back roads of the area be neat, aw what the heck, let's do mainstreet!!!!!
   Keep us posted.



Your memory is much better than you give yourself credit. You're correct, the 1st shop on Kirkwood was just off the East Trail. There was an empty lot across the street where we could have people test ride some of our bikes. It's good to hear your memories, I will make sure to pass them on to dad, who by the way, turned 70 last Sunday. He's doing great, and will love hearing that we talked.

Terry's (Cypress Cycle) shop is in the same location.

As for a POG event in Florida. We would love to get involved, and help in any way. Being down here in Naples, we're quite a way from the northern part of the state, but will travel wherever to help. Anyone, just let us know now we can help. I look forward to hearing something soon.

Ted, be sure to contact us when you get into town.

Keith R. Larson
Keith R. Larson

Paul Danik

    Most of the guys that I have talked to are putting antique or classic plates on their Pentons. You need to have a good title, Progressive will sell you some insurance.  The headlight and tail light/brakelight all can be wired from your motoplat or Bosch ignition. No turn signals are required because of the age of the bike.
I am sure that some of these items vary from state to state but that is the general pattern that I have observed.   If any of you guys have any other info please chime in!!

    Ted, I have enjoyed following the conversation between you and Keith. It sure would be neat for you guys to write an article for the newsletter about the dealership, maybe have a few pictures of Kieth's dad's shop and tell some of his tales!!!  What you guys are discussing is another valuable part of the Penton history that needs to be told.  Mr. POG President and newsletter editor, Alan Buehner, is always looking for articles for the newsletter.



Keith Larson here. It's cool to read that you've enjoyed the posts between Ted and myself, and it's exciting to think other members of POG would enjoy reading something about "Dirt Rider of Naples" in the newsletter. I'm getting together with my dad tonight, and I'll will see just how much "old stuff" he may still have.

I will put some stories together (along with any pictures, old ad's, etc.) and submit to Alan Buehner. Maybe, if Ted reads this, he can send me some stories as well. I just hope that I'm able to express just what wonderful shop my dad had, and how well the off-road community embraced us. Thank you for the suggestion. It sure will be fun to put my memories down on paper. Hope to talk to you soon.


Keith R. Larson
Keith R. Larson


Paul,  Thank you for the reply.  It was very gracious of you to suggest putting an article together about Keith's dad's shop.  You are right, the Penton dealers were a key element back then and deserve recognition.  Keith, my time in Naples will be tight, but maybe we can meet up at Terry's shop?  My dad's place is over where new and old 41 split, just south of Bonita Springs.  How is your schedule for March 24-27?  If that won't work, I am open for suggestions.  How about let's work on this, per Paul's offer?  Also, Paul, I wanted to make another point about the street legal setups.
I put together a 1970 Honda SL350 a couple years ago, and wanted to license it for putting around on the street.  However, right at the same time, I happened to spot an entry in the AMA mag about a new law in Ohio that requires all street-registered motorcycles manufactured from '70 on to be equipped with turn signals, regardless of whether the machine was set up with them from the factory.  I've not done anything with the SL yet, so I don't know how much the state is pushing it, and it may not be a factor for the back roads we would be venturing on with the Pentons.  However, just for an example, I had not been running a front license plate on my car since I bought it four years ago.  The vehicle had no provision for mounting a plate, and since I have observed that about every 4th car in Ohio runs no front plate, I didn't worry about it.  Unfortunately, last week a trooper pulls me over and made a big hairy-ass deal over the missing plate.  Point is, will this affect plating the Pentons?  I understand DMV no longer issues ORV tags either, which is what we always used to mount on the bikes for Enduro competition.  What do you think?  TED


Keith,  I thought of something else I wanted to mention about the significance of your dad's shop.  Without his presence, I quite possibly would not have been riding my Hare Scrambler in SW Florida.  The only other dealer I knew of at the time was Barry Higgins'.  Anyway, I'm sure no super pro, or ever was, but there was a LOT of off-road activity around Naples/Bonita Springs back in the 70's, yet everyone was in awe over me and this one other guy, who had a 250 Mag Husky, 'cause our bikes were so "exotic".  It sure was fun having something special, and your dad was definitely a key to making it happen.  TED


We could do a Penton Only Hare Scramble at Aonia MX Park.We presently host a GNCC, SE&TRA HS, 3 AHRMA Events there and have about 15 miles of trail that is beautiful.  Whatever, I just want to get Penton's together for some events in the Southeast.

Terry Dishroon


w. terry dishroon
w. terry dishroon



Thanks again for your kind words. I did pass them on to dad, and he is very happy to hear we have been talking. As for the week of 3/24-27, I will make the time to get with you. We can meet at Terry's shop, no problem. You can e-mail me at [email protected] and I'll give you my numbers so you can call once you get in town. I'll see if dad can make it as well. It will be great to catch up.

About an article for the newsletter, did you want to e-mail me something before you get to Naples, or did you want to wait until you're here?  

Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks again!


Keith R. Larson
Keith R. Larson