Younkins Penton "team"

Started by OhioTed, February 27, 2004, 08:26:16 AM

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Does anyone know the whereabouts of Gary Younkins?  Since joining POG recently, I have been re-running my old memory banks involving my Penton experiences.  One of the things I recall is seeing Gary and (family/friends?) all showing up to trailride at what we called "Blackhawk", south of Negley, Ohio, back in the 70's.  To a kid mounted on a DT1, these guys were so impressive as to be unapproachable, what with their purpose-built Pentons and elaborate riding gear.  I could never understand how they could disappear back into the hills for hours before reappearing.  They must have had gas stashed out there somewhere.  Never got to know Gary and regret it now.


I don't know where Younkins is, however I do remember him.  I raced in N/W PA and N/E Ohio in 1974 and 1975 on a Jackpiner.  I won my share of trophies but Younkins was unbelievably fast.  At a Harescamble in Mesopatamia Ohio in 1975 it was announced at the riders meeting that he would give everybody a head start of one minute (Maybe it was two minutes)  He passed me and 169 other riders on the first lap, came into the barrels in 10th place.  Needless to say he was first after two laps.  With 30 minutes left in the race he was so far ahead he put his 250 harescambler in his truck they gave him the HI Point trophy and he left to go race a motocross race in the afternoon.

I also remember his jersey, on the back side it said "Younkins Just Passed You".  He could "Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk".  I would guess he was two years older than me which would make him around 49 or 50 now.  

Being so close to Cleveland/Lorain I would guesss some of the Penton Boys or some of the other "factory riders" may know of his whereabouts.  

But let me tell you again, that guy could ride!!!!


Gary has a son that is racing hare scrambles these days. I saw Gary and his son last fall at Meadowlarks' events. While Gary looks a little older, he still looks like he could whip most of us on a bike.
