VMD West Penton Display

Started by Paul Danik, April 24, 2001, 10:44:29 PM

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Paul Danik

Doug Wilford will be setting up a Penton Owners Group display at Sears Point Raceway on April 27-29  as part of Vintage Motorcycle Days West. If you are going and have a Penton that is barn fresh or a perfect restoration, or anywhere in between, haul it in and put it on display.  I am sure that Doug will be glad to see any of you fine Poggers that can take the time to drop by.  If you have never met Doug this is your chance to meet one of the guys who made it all happen.  Be sure and ask Doug about the time he rode the Jackpine on a Whizzer in his tennis shoes.


Paul Danik

I realized after I posted the above message that Doug may not have much room for displaying machines. If you do haul one in you will have to see if he has space for it before you wheel it in. Either way he will be glad to see you at the booth.  Paul


Gavin Housh

It seems the VMDW at Sears Point Raceway didn't generate the response expected by POG members Doug Wilford and Ted De Salvo. After speeking with Ted on sunday he told me that Doug had left to be with his wife in San Jose, 70mi. south of the raceway. I didn't get a chance to talk to Doug during fri. or sat. and felt bad that I didn't get a chance to visit and show support of the POG or even get a bike on display. I'd like to thank both Doug and Ted for there efforts regardless of what intrest was shown by Sears Point patrons. I'd like to point out that of all the enties on sundays motocross (approx. 500 I heard) only five Penton riders do I know of. So we aren't well represented out in the west as fare as AHRMA racing is concerned. Myself and other penton owner JP Morgan represented the Penton marquis well. JP Morgan who rode four or five races placed well in all his races and the highlight most certainly was his hole shot and wire to wire fist moto win riding his Penton 400 in the + 40 expert race featuring riders like Brad Lackey, Jaroslav Falta,  Billy Grossi, and  Marty Moates. I was able to pull two hole shots in the 125 classic int. race, and finished 2nd. overall riding my Penton 125 six day. Friday was the hare scambles and I finished 2nd. in sportsman open int. riding my Penton 250. There aren't many of us but people notice our Pentons. I always get people telling me of how they had a Penton or knew someone that had one, and it's great fun swapping stories about the good old days. What am I saying I still own a Penton, I'm still living those days. Keep the rubber side down.


Paul Danik

   WOW, you guys sure did the POG proud with your outstanding riding. There is no need to send the whole squad to win the battle when you guys can do it on your own!!
 If they held the MX up on that hill at Sears Point like they did last year it sure is a beautiful place to see and ride.
Thanks for the report. Paul