Sachs Clutch Cover Wanted

Started by firstturn, June 27, 2004, 10:15:29 AM

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Wanted: I need a Sachs clutch cover that has the space for the Penton (black name plate) name on the side.  I would prefer a new one or one in excellent condition.  I will be happy to buy or trade.  I have NOS (new old stock) covers that have Sachs on them to trade, if that is what someone would wish to do.  The Penton label is unimportant as I have those in stock.  Either way I would appreciate any help.  Thanks.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Ron , If you'd like to mail your sidecase to me, I'd be happy to mill off the word "Sachs" for you at no charge, promise it will turn out better than how they were originally done. I can turn it around and get it back to you in three days. Whatever you decide is fine.


  That sounds great.  I want to pay you.  I am not supposed to be grinding because of the possibility of getting metal in me and when I have a MRI it is most unconfortable.  Thanks Rob.  I guess I will have to let up on you snagging the Monark[:o)].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Ron,! I have a couple of my own I need to do anyway. What I'll do is (I've done this before when I was a teenager), screw the side cover to a plate (wood) I can mount in the Bridgeport mill vise, indicate it in level, use a end mill cutter, shave it off to a thousandths or two, then orbital sander to a smooooth finish.

One time as a kid in '73, I took the cylinder off my Berkshire and milled a checkerboard pattern in both sides of the cylinder fins. I had just seen some Czechs on CZ's (DeSoto also), it was at a '73 Inter-Am at Delta, Ohio. I can't remember if I did the head also, I have a picture somewhere.

Ron, I'm coming out of the closet now and finally revealing my long kept secret..........

I don't have any Monarks, they were never for me, I love all motorcycles, but in this chapter I'm writing it "Pentons Only". I can't imagine cheating on my Pentons. :)

Rain Man

Rob, I suspect theres many well kept secrets in the PoG group, especially when it comes to machining. I've been fixing machines for years and its not a secret, no volunteers=no work all day and weekend either
50+ hours a week and its time to relax...
or ride
 Down East Pentons

Kip Kern

Now here is the chance for Dane L. to chime in with the story of how the Sachs names were removed from the outer cases and the Penton name plates installed.  It is one of my favorites!