6V Motoplat lamp, revisited

Started by dirtbike, July 10, 2004, 07:24:34 PM

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I went out riding today on that 250GS!
As known, I bought a H4 40/45W 6V headlamp. Now the thing is that it barely glows and need high RPM to shine, though weakly!

I remember that someone once sugessted that one lead should be used as positive and another as negative from the stator and that it could fire up a 50w or 60w quite nicely. Just don't remember who or how, anybody?

Tried a search, no luck!

I also remember that Reinhard (Dr.2Stoke) said that one could wire two of them together and increasing the current. Don't remember how to do that either.

What was the deal?


Ooops, found it!

It was here:

As suggested, Yellow for + and white (red too I assume) to -.

rob w

Bengt, Heres some notes I kept from Dane.
 The head light is isolated (no grounding through the light or from the frame) and the yellow wire was run to the "hot" side of the head light. The green wire was used as the ground for the light.
 On a 35/21/5 watt system, this gives you 56 watts to run the light. If then you run a 6V bulb, with a regulator, all things considered it's a pretty good light.


Hmmm, I don't quite get it!
Since it is AC I assume that you need to connect one lead to + and the other to - but they have to be opposite phases of whatever it's called in english. I mean that when one lead gives positive the other one has go be negavive and when the pulse changes from + to - the other one can go over to + right!
Do the yellow and green have opposite phase timing?

The lamp has half and full light. How do I connect that?
I have this switch on the handlebar and as it is now, the yellow supplies all current and the ground connection is grounded through the frame.