Bike transport to ISDT RR

Started by slvrbrdfxr, August 11, 2004, 06:03:44 PM

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Hi all,
Anyone live in N. Chicago area and coming to ISDT RR this October and would like to earn some gas money ?? Looking for someone that could pickup a bike for me near Round Lake, IL and deliver it to ISDT RR in Tulsa this October. Please let me know. Thanks !!
Dave McCullough
Tulsa, OK


I am planning on going to the reunion and I should have room.  I need to talk to someone tomorrow that is going too, we had talked about riding down together if someone else backed out.  I will let you know in the next couple days.


Hi Rod,
Thanks for the reply. Looks like I won't be needing the transport after all. Bike I was looking at sold last night. Oh well, something else will come along. Thanks again for the help !!

Dave McCullough