Steel tank frame and swingarm questions

Started by baxtermcc, July 24, 2004, 11:07:22 PM

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I am comparing my 1970 Six-Days to a very good steel tank example that was at Mid Ohio and I now have a few questions I hope someone can help with.

In the attached pictures you can see an addition fender mount on the rear frame loop that is not on the Mid Ohio bike.  This bracket is forward of the end of the frame loop.  Essentially, there are four mounting points for the fender on my bike.  Does anyone have any idea if this addition mount was a part of any steel tank frames?

In addition, in the two pictures of my swingarm you can see that angle stock has been added to the swingarm forward of the shock mounts.  I originally thought this to be a home grow mod, but now that I look at the welds, the symmetry of the angles on each side and the finish work done at the rear of the angles near the shock mounts I'm not so sure.  Has anyone ever seen this mod on a production bike?

Thanks in advance for the help,
Bob McCullough


  First I am far from an expert on the steel tank models, but with that said here goes my take.
1.  The rear fender bracket was added by a previous owner.
2.  The angle stock was added to the swingarm and is actually a good job in the proper area where the swingarms would bend, if you had a shock problem.

I hope this helps and if I am wrong we will both hear about it[:o)].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks for the info Ron.  I thought the swingarm had been modified, but the additional rear fender mount threw me, both are good workmanship.

I know what the large black tail light for this bike looks like, I have the light but not the bracket.  Do you, or anyone else have a picture of the smaller light that also was installed on the ST bikes?


Kip Kern

Check out the very last page of the parts manual 002 or 003, it shows both types of lighting kits in the parts section.


  Why don't you email me directly and I will try to send you pictures of the tailights in question.
            [email protected]

Everyone concerned,
  I am trying to get set-up to inable me to transfer pictures to the POG site so when we are discussing items such as above we can all view the pictures.  

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

rob w

Bob, Al Buehner had a 1970 frame and swingarm for sale at Mid-Ohio.


  I thought that was Kip's.  The one that was already painted?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

let me know when you get yours done. That one should be cool.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Lew(Expert Texavanian Racer),
  Are you talking about the secret project( well call it The PITS Project)?  Are you are talking about the steel tank flat tracker?   I thought you weren't going to let this out to everyone?

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

I mean the one you found in the corner at Mid-ohio. I won't let on what it is?

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Pennsylvania Wanta Bee

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh