Kickstarter Stop Bolt Socket

Started by slvrbrdfxr, August 17, 2004, 06:06:05 PM

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Hi all.
I just discovered that the kickstarter stop bolt is loose and leaking oil on the bottom of my 125 six day engine. I want to just retighten it and need the correct socket. Where can I get a socket for this ?? Does anyone have a spare socket laying around that they care to sell ?? Or, if someone would want to lend me one I'd really appreciate it. Please let me know. Thanks !! [email protected]

Dave McCullough
Tulsa, OK


  I will check and see if I have a extra.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Doug Wilford

How about AL Buehner check with him, or Donny Smith.   It is a standard Sachs tool.


Ron and Doug,
Thanks !! I'm trying to get my 1970 125 steeltanker ready for the reunion ride and want to make sure it doesn't leak. Making good progress on it so far but ran into a bit of a snag last Saturday. Found the oil drain plug loose in the bottom of the engine and it would not tighten up. I had to install a helicoil and then reinstalled the plug with blue RTV which should be a permanent fix. That will be the last time that plug comes out and will remove the clutch cover from now on. Hoping that I don't run into a similar problem on the kickstarter stop bolt. If I can get it tight, I'll encapsulate the head with RTV so it will stay tight. Thanks again for the help !!

Dave McCullough
Tulsa, OK


  I only have the one that came with the original factory tool kit.  If push comes to shove I will loan you mine. Actually Al or Donny should have one.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks !! I'll give Donny a shout to see if he has one. I need a few other small items anyway so it might be better to get everything else I'm needing at the same time. Once again, I appreciate the help.

Dave McCullough


  Thanks for keeping us informed on the Reunion.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Actually, Donny doesn't have any at all. There were no factory tools in the parts I purchased. Sorry!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR