ISDT RR Numbers Assigned

Started by slvrbrdfxr, October 10, 2004, 09:02:10 PM

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Hi all,
Just a quick message to let everyone know that Vern was hard at work this weekend getting ready for the event. He has assigned numbers to all the pre-entries we have received to date. You can see the numbers at the website. . The trail is looking good also. All I can say is that " if it ain't mowed it's road ". Look forward to seeing everyone in less that 2 weeks !!
Dave McCullough
Tulsa Trail Riders

Randy Kirkbride

Hi Dave,
Thanks to you & Vern and all TTR for all their hard work. I'm getting pumped already and I still have to work another week & a half before I can leave for Tulsa.  See you all there.

Dennis Jones

Does anyone know what time tech and the impound will close on Friday?

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Hi Dennis,
Tech impound scheduled to close at 6pm on Friday night.
Dave McCullough
Tulsa Trail Riders