26 years

Started by rd400pi, October 25, 2004, 06:21:42 PM

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What a blast!  I finally got my 74 250 HS motor back from the local shop at noon on Thursday.  Bike was fired up for the first time on Friday at midnight.  I rode around my neighborhood streets a couple of times (at midnight!).  Tech inspection Saturday AM with Teddy Landers and I was on my way!  I started both days but each time only made it 8-10 minutes before problems forced me to enjoy nature in the bike "pushing" mode. Made the MX and bike gave no troubles (arms were a different story!).
   I had the time of my life this weekend.  My two brothers came in from PA/DE area for crew duties.  Would never have made it without them.  Kevin Grimes was parked next to us and kept complaining about my "rock star" treatment.  Anyway, this was the first time I had ridden a dirt bike in 26 years.  I had also never ridden a Penton before.  Just a monumental occasion.  Thanks to everyone that has helped me with advice and parts.  Truly a great bunch of folks.

  Mike Husted
  74 250 Hare Scrambler
  Tulsa, OK

Tony Price


Glad to hear you had a good time.  The Tulsa Trail Riders really out did themselves.

I was scoring the terrain test on Saturday at the top of the hill, and helped you push your bike up the last bit of the hill to the road.

Did you also die out at the end of the second terrain test on Sunday?  The long fast one with the zig-zags to slow you down.

I was too busy to recognize the Penton rider, but he spent about 1/2 and hour working away behind the EZ Up until he got her fired up again.



  Yeah, it died out both days.  It's got a brand new MZB on it and there may be an issue when the bike gets hot.  Ie: crappy ground somewhere.  It died both days at the 7-10 minute mark.  Funny that it didn't die in the mx race.  It will start first kick after it's cooled down.  Sunday AM at the trail ride start it was a one kick affair.  Anyway, to add insult to injury, I had pulled the plug on the trail so many times Saturday morning that I somehow cross-threaded it once and boogered up the threads in the head.  We spent some time running down to the KTM shop in Tulsa Saturday afternoon to get the sparkplug hole threads chased.  Buttoned her up and started on the first kick to impound Saturday and hit the chow line at the museum.  Still was fun.  :D

  Mike Husted

P.S.  How do you chase sparkplug hole threads you may ask?  I don't have a tap that big but, what the kid at the KTM shop had done was to make a homemade thread chaser.  He took an old plug and used a die grinder to make some spiral cuts on the plug threads as well as taper off the threads by the plug tip.  It worked like a champ and then he gave it to me.  What a deal.  If anyone wants to see a pic of it, email me and when I get back home at the end of this week I'll shoot you a picture.  Address is: [email protected].


Congrats on getting your bike together and for making the ride, Mike.  Sorry to hear you had some problems.  Had to be great just being there though, eh?  Although you most certainly would have preferred to get more riding in, I know that some of my most memorable rides were also my least (ahem) successful.  Great that you got a runner under you, regardless.  Keep on ridin'.  TED


It was good to see you again last weekend, and I enjoyed the company of yourself and your brothers.  I wish you would have been able to make it further around the trail both days too.  I'm sure brother Dave can help you get your bike sorted out for a more enjoyable ride next time.

Incidentally, I'm looking for another bike for next year's ride and have my eye on a 250.  Look forward to seeing you again in the future.

Bob McCullough