More 2004 ISDT RR pics

Started by slvrbrdfxr, November 19, 2004, 08:06:37 PM

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Hi all,
Just a quick note to tell everyone that our webmaster has posted 116 new pictures on the Tulsa Trail Riders website. You can view them at . Just click on the photo galley tab. Still have alot of pics to post yet so keep checking back to see more sometime soon. Enjoy !!
Dave McCullough
Tulsa Trail Riders

Kip Kern

Dave,  Thanks for providing the great photos.  Thanks to the TTR again for a wonderful event.  Whoever took the photos, thanks to you for all the hard work and patience.  [8D]


Hi Kip,
Your welcome. I noticed there is a real good picture of you in the MX on Sunday. The TTR webmaster is Doug Griffith and he's one that posted the pics to the website and also took alot of the pictures. I know he has several more discs to upload to the website so check back there occasionally. TTR is glad that everyone had a good time and I hope maybe our club can host the RR again in the future. I wanted to say thanks to you again for the parts for my steeltanker forks. Without them I would not have been able to ride the bike that weekend. Take care and thanks again !!

Dave McCullough
Tulsa Trail Riders

Kip Kern

Dave  Piece of cake,  and thanks to you for the cool shirt!  Let me know if I can help out again.