Happy Holidays

Started by Kip Kern, November 23, 2004, 10:51:14 AM

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Kip Kern

Happy Holidays to all folks and their families.  Keep time aside to think of the brave men and women who are serving in the armed forces both at home and abroad. With all the hectic "crap" going on in life, be sure to take time for yourself and family.  Heck, just turn the TV off for a week and don't take the paper, you'll automatically feel better!  Looking forward to an outstanding 2005![8D]

Dennis Jones

Good advice Kip. I quit taking a newspaper 5 years ago. Thanks for the time you served. I hope we can ride together again next year.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Here is my two cents. I get the paper everyday. I only read the sports section on Sunday to keep track of my Oklahoma Sooners Football team during the College football season. Other than that, the paper is just collected in a pile to be used for packing! That's just about all it's worth. Oh, once we got a puppy and it was good for that too!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR

Lew Mayer

Ditto from me back at you Dennis. You made 2005 a fun year. I better see a yellow stripe on that helmet next year. You and I are going after that guy on the Bul next year. Same to you,Kip, as Dennis said. You,guys,in the service of our country make this life we have in the USA possible.
Donny, the paper's good fer the funnies and the TV listing,too.(IF there was anything good on TV. I can't afford Speedvision.)
Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


I second that, Kip: Happy Thanksgiving. We are blessed and have a lot to be thankful for!

Clay Light

Tony Price

To all fellow villagers of Pentonia,  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

I am thankful those in my life which make it what it is.  First and fore most are my family, for whom I face each day for.

As much as I like my bikes, it's the people that bring meaning to this past time.  I am most grateful for the friendships I have found, and the ones tht will be.



Thanks Kip for reminding us about why we can celebrate a Holiday.  On the ongoing issue of the news media..It is strange the reports and pictures I get back from Iraq are ones of people over there being overjoyed we are there to help them in their fight for a Democratic form of government.
  ***************Happy Thanksgiving to All************************

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Happy Thanksgiving to all. We have lots to be thankful for. One of the most important things is friendship, and this is where we can find the BEST!

Many thanks to each and every one of you! May God Bless you all!

Donny Smith
Donny Smith
Paragould, AR


Excellent posting Kip. We all need to take a little time out and Thank those that are laying their lives on the line for are Freedoms.  Happy Holidays Every One. Where is the Bultaco that needs to be kept inline? Donny you might get that thong for Christmas.
Bob Brizzee

Don Roth

Family and friends, I consider you folks both, have a great holiday,
and remeber that power-to-weight ratio when you are @ the table today,
we all need an extra excuse or two.Javascript:insertsmilie(':D')
Watching the snow and enjoying the day off,