Thanks Ron!

Started by alandspeed, November 25, 2004, 12:29:26 AM

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I would like to thank Ron Carbough for stopping at our little shop in Plymouth, Wisconsin.  This would not be a big deal to most, but considering were Ron lives (Texas!) and how we met, this is incredible.  A little backround--

I had met John Penton at the Blue Ribbon breakfast in Febuary and became interested immediately in the story and history of the Penton. I was at Mid Ohio this last summer when I got the Penton bug and signed up with the POG.  I met a couple members and took in the Penton display. I started looking for a Penton to ride myself as soon as I got home and found a 73 six days in Michigan.  One 12 hour bonzi run later, I was the proud owner of a Penton.  That was just the beginning.  I then had a good friend give me a 68 six days that was in sad shape, but in his words "you'll get it done.  I will be 120 before I get all these projects going".  I needed info on what the bike was suppose to look like and POG to the rescue.

Enter Ron.  Emailed me pictures and specs and more than a guy could ask for. So I knew what I needed and headed to EBAY to start hunting. While surfing ebay, a 77' 10th anniversary Penton shows up.  Pretty neat bike, looks like a trials bike with a MX seat and pipe added.  I do ride trials for fun so this bike was very interesting.  And as luck would have it, some friends were going to the AMA induction in Ohio, same place as the bike.  What Luck.  Hey, look.  Ron is bidding on the bike too. Only a hour left, we will see where it gos. 5 minutes, almost go time. 1 minute left, hit the button.  OUTBID!  See if there is time for one more click.  YOUR THE WINNER! (Ron said it was under 5 seconds when that hit)I figured Ron would email and talk about the email?  Not wanting to lose a new friend and great resource for info on Pentons, I kept emailing until he realized I had no idea what I was doing and was indeed hooked on these bikes.  He explained what the bike was and some history on it.  I had no idea.  This guy is never going to talk to me again.  But I was wrong.  Ron has gone out of his way(literally) to help me with these projects and I would like to thank him for everything.  The mission of the POG is on course with guys like Ron and all the other members helping us new guys get into these bikes.  

Ron called and asked if we were going to be around on Tuesday because he wanted to stop in and visit the shop and see the projects we have been talking about.  RON FROM TEXAS was in Chcago and drove 2 more hours north to visit the guy who stole his bike.  We visited for a few hours and Ron had some great stories and info on the bikes we have.  He seemed surprised that the shop was a retail store and that we had a little of everything for the riders in our area. Then we showed him the collection of bikes and engines. He said we were alot younger than he expected and was really happy that we where carrying the Penton banner.  O ya, and if I ever want to sell that bike.....

Thanks again Ron.  Your friend, AL

Doug Wilford

Al;  Great story about, a great guy.   Knowing Ron I am not the least surprised.   Ron carries the banner of "Life, Liberty, Friends and the persuit of Happiness" (motorcycles) in the highest.  I am proud to call him, a "Friend" also.


  Thanks for your email to me after the auction that brought this friendship together.  I have to look back now and laugh when I put the final bid and told myself it was over and, WHOA wait a minute!  It was over alright.  Over and the bike was going to Wisconsin.
  It just shows how two people can be Friends and have a mutual interest that drives each one past the problems of being upset because someone else has a bike they wanted.  I will say that the visit to Al's shop was quite a treat and to see how he is trying to develop a means to help with engine building and restoration of Pentons is very impressive.  While there I met with Josh, Al's alter ego in the Penton interst, and found him to be very well read on the subject matter and wanting to learn more about Pentons.  Both Al and Josh mentioned the Mission of POG in that we are trying to educate and bring younger people into the Group....these guys are serious:).
  After a discussion on several Penton related questions and answers I will say my trip back to Chicago was filled with dreams of helping more people like Al and Josh understand Pentons and try to be the BEST EXAMPLE of a Group that gets along and develops the next experts from within via our Future Projects parameters.
  In closing I have to say that both Al and Josh have read the John Penton book so much it is dog eared.  Good Job guys, and thanks to Ed Youngblood for the book that helps so many new people get introduced to the Penton World....a World that I like.
Highest regards,

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Very good story about Ron, definately believable.  I consider Ron a fiend also, did I say fiend?, I meant friend!!:D


Al, Great story !! Ron is my Friend and I consider him my Brother also !! He makes it fun and I have learned a lot from him. Thanks Ron for all that you do!!:D

Thomas Carmichael
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler