New Knee

Started by TGTech, December 25, 2004, 02:16:03 AM

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I hope everybody on here will forgive me for not posting this before, but with everything going on this time of year, I just didn't think about it.

Two weeks ago yesterday, JP had one of his prosthetic knees replaced. There is a lot of speculation in the family on exactly why he went ahead with the operation, but his story is that the knee cap was broken and there was some deterioration of the tibia/fibia, and in the process of doing the replacement, the doctor would be able to "shore" up those bones.

For some background on the situation, when he had the prosthetics put in 13 years ago, unlike most people, JP insisted on having both joints done at the same time. Since his doctor couldn't do them at the same time, he had an assistant doctor do the the less damaged of the two. Apparently, the "back up" didn't do as good a job, and as a result, he's had a little trouble with that one the whole time. Now that he's had it replaced, he's hoping that they will both work the same.

Anyway, he's restricted to home for a while until the healing process gets a little further along. If any of you want to send greetings, you can sent them to Penton Imports at 1115 Milan Ave., Amherst, OH 44001, and we'll see that he gets them.

I stopped in to see him on Wednesday evening, and he was getting around a little better than the previous week, but the pain is still a little more than he wants to deal with.

Merry Christmas everybody.


Steve Minor

Dane.....I had no idea...Thanks so much for the information. I'm sure his family will have their hands full as I doubt JP will sit still very long.

It won't be long before everything is (as my Dad used to say) "Healed up and haired over"....

Best wishes for a great CHRISTmas and New Year.
Steve Minor


  John at least had great timing(again) with some of the worst snow since 1978.  Your request for a card will of course be honored and thanks for the information.
  I was just rereading the New York to Los Angeles Cycle magazine article on John's Record setting trip Friday.  I was thinking how WE are so fortunite to have someone of the stature of John Penton, his Family and Associates that developed the Penton Motorcycle that hopefully will live for generations.  The other part of this story associated with John being driven to set the coast to coast record was that he is and has always been so driven that he put, what I feel, everything on the line and gave the motorcycle of his dreams his Family Name - Penton.  That is the WILL TO WIN.

  Thanks Dane and Merry Christmas to you and your Family.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Tony Price

Quotequote:Originally posted by firstturn

  John at least had great timing(again) with some of the worst snow since 1978.  Your request for a card will of course be honored and thanks for the information.
  I was just rereading the New York to Los Angeles Cycle magazine article on John's Record setting trip Friday.  I was thinking how WE are so fortunite to have someone of the stature of John Penton, his Family and Associates that developed the Penton Motorcycle that hopefully will live for generations.  The other part of this story associated with John being driven to set the coast to coast record was that he is and has always been so driven that he put, what I feel, everything on the line and gave the motorcycle of his dreams his Family Name - Penton.  That is the WILL TO WIN.

  Thanks Dane and Merry Christmas to you and your Family.

Ron Carbaugh

I have been reading Rick Sieman's "Monkey Butt" over the last few days.  It has his story, "Enduro Heaven" in which an enduro rider passes on through the pearly gates.  

Upon his arrival he amazed to find a never ending line of well prepared bikes and equipment to choose from.  Upon selecting his bike he is informed by St. Peter that there just happens to be an enduro getting ready to start.

Upon arriving on his line/minute he notices that he has one other fellow rider sharing his minute.  As his key time arrives he and his fellow competitor hit the gas.  Through out the race our new arrival has the ride of his life and zero's almost all his checks, but can never catch his fellow rider, although he can sometimes keep him sight.

After the race, our friend asks St. Peter if the fellow he shared his minute with was by chance the Lord.  St. Peter replies, "Yep, but he thinks he's John Penton"

It's a great read!


Lew Mayer

that's a great story1 Now I'll have to find the book.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Paul Danik

  Old "Super Hunky" himself is selling "Monkey Butt" books on ebay, he will even sign the book for you. It has been awhile since I read the book but I do believe that Rick Sieman grew up in a coal mining town in western PA.

   Thanks Dane for the update on Mr. Penton.


Tennessee Vol

 You can e-mail Hunky at [email protected] you can buy the book.

He also has something really cool I just got it today for Christmas [my lovely wife really takes care of me].It is on CDR format to put in your computer it is every article,he has ever written for any of the magazines.Dirt Bike and all the others he wrote for.

It is only $19.95.Just shoot hm a e-mail he will get right back to you he lives south of the border and comes across to ship the books,CD's and posters.

Merry Christmas All Ya'll

Bobby Stults
Bobby Stults