74 Jackpiner gearing

Started by Tommy_V, January 13, 2005, 05:35:48 PM

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I'm getting ready to buy new sprockets for the '74 Jackpiner I picked up last year.  I haven't really ridden the bike much yet, so I'm looking for suggestions.  Dennis is going to look at his and give them to me, but thought I would get some other suggestions as well.  I'm about 195lbs with gear.

On a different note, where should I go to get a new side panel?  The fiberglass one has split pretty bad.



  Go to the suppliers page and Al or Tom should have what you need.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Thanks Ron, I talked to Al today and he didn't have any side panels.  I'll try Tom.

Any suggestions on gearing?


Lew Mayer

Tommy, I'm running a 12/55. I was running 12/52 until the uphills at Camelback killed me. 12/52 was too high for grunting from the bottom with no run at the hill.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Lew Mayer

What class did you say you were gonna run in? If it's the same as mine then 14/52 sounds right. Yeah, that's the ticket. I think if I was you I'd even put on a few pounds for traction,you know.[}:)]:D

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer



I wouldn't run in your class, you're way too fast for me!!  I'm hoping to go to the Andre's ride in March and take this as my primary bike.  I got it licensed with a historic tag in Missouri.



Randy Kirkbride

Does that mean you'll be switching back to 12/52 since we don't have to go to Camelback this year???

john durrill

 How experianced a rider are you? The reasion i ask is , I have ridden the area on 2002 Ride with Andre. First on a 175 is a bit tall on the tranny gearing. The mountains are steep in Ok/  Ark. We used a 11 tooth countershaft sprocket with a 57 rear for my sons 175 Piner. The Piner was his first dirt bike and he had no experance in mountains.
Tha gearing let him start on the side of a hill with out a lot of wheel spin and handle rocky trail sections as slow as he felt comfortable with. His top speed was still between 60 and 65.
Hope this is some help
John D.


I like 12/55 for the type of trail I think you will be riding.  Of course we used a shorter gear for Hare scrambles and MX.  But hey Lew is the champ and one we are all proud of, but I think a rider from Missouri has some tricks up is sleeve for this year;).  Lets put it like this we are fortunite to have sooo many really good riders that are Penton Owner Group Members.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

No,Randy,I'm staying with the 12/55. It works pretty well. Plus Camelback may be in the regional series that Potomac Vintage Riders are putting together for the easterners. I know how you loved that run.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer

Dennis Jones

Lew, If Tommy rides our class we are going to need a lot of Ron's tricks, ummm I mean tips. I told him how we both had new sprocket and chains at Casey with one tooth difference on the rear ( 12 - 56 ) and the difference on the long sandy straights. Be nice to him and maybe he will let us ride that Harley he won Monster Mt.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Lew Mayer

I wanna see him on that Harley. No sense lookin' pretty if they can't dance.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


  That sounds like a Texas saying[:o)].

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh



I'm an intermediate with a trials background.  Fairly new to the MX/Cross Country stuff.  I'm going to try Dennis' suggestion of 12/56 for now.

