1970 steel tanker exhaust/expansion chamber

Started by peter kane, January 11, 2005, 01:59:49 AM

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peter kane

Hey folks!  

Does anybody have the dimensions/plan/drawings of this expansion chamber?  Specifically the end cone.  Mine is in tact with the exception of the end cone and whatever else attached to it.  

I haven't been here for a while as life has been overwhelming for the past few years, but here I and anxious to get my v3442 steel tanker on the lift.  I posted here in All Forums a few years back (See: "My speil - '74 Six Day" and have learned a lot since then just by reading what the good folks in POG have to say - like learning that my '74 six-day is in fact a '70.

Also, I racked my swing arm about 25 years ago, I straightened it out but I know it'll twist again.  As soon as I am able to raise the $$ a friend is going to fabricate one for me, but I'm wondering if it would  be worth my while to have a couple made and put 'em out here.


My email:
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]


  Welcome back.  The information and parts you are seeking per your description is avaliable at the following location.


As far as the swing arm goes, fabricating sounds great to have something no one else has, but they come up on ebay from time to time.  The amount of work that goes into making one correct with all the hangers doesn't justify the cost unless someone owes you big time:).  I hope this helps and if you hit a dead end on a swing arm put a ad/post in the wanted section.  If you have no results then email me.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

peter kane

Thanks Kevin, Yeah, I've since learned about the blown shock and can probably attribute the twisting to it.  You should have seen how I straightened it out when I was about 15 years old, no vice, no press - but I had a brick wall and a tire iron by gosh!  

As I said in my 1/11/05 posting, I haven't been here for a while (See:  "My speil - '74 Six Day" on the 'Search' feature on this site and it may explain a little about me and why it may be important for some to know where I'm coming from.  I got my steel-tanker V3442 in 1972 when I was 15.  I rode it fun, hard and respectful with a bunch maniac friends who were on CZ's, Can-Am's, Husky's, Monarch's, Ossa's and Bultaco's until I was 18-19.  A baby and work took priority at around 19-20 so the bike sat in the shed.  At 21 I was arrested and tried and sentenced to life imprisonment for a crime I did not do.  It took me the next half of my life - 21 years, to prove that I did not do what I was convicted of and the courts released me in 2001.  Upon coming home I was delighted to find that I had a barn-fresh Six-Day on my hands and a damn fine one at that.  You see, I knew I had a great bike, I mean a really great bike - the Penton, but it wasn't until I went to the pokey that I learned just how great it was.  You can't imagine how many bad days ended where my only escape from the prison madness came at bedtime when I would think, even meditate about time spent with family, meditate about birthdays, meditate about holidays, meditate about fishing, all the dogs I've owned, etc., but it was on those nights where I meditated on the Penton that got me through so much.  Dreaming about restoring it and having a really significant piece of motorcycle history to my own.  I do and have done a lot of public speaking at colleges, universities , and before lawyers groups for the Innocence Project on wrongful convictions since my release.  And one of the first things people ask me after these talks is, "...how did you do it?" meaning the time, and I tell them that I just maintained a positive attitude, believed that I would one day be free and dreamed about fishing, dogs and motorcycles.  Here, on this web site, are probably the only folks in the world who could understand my love for this motorcycle.  I saw nine years of my 20's from behind prison walls, all of my 30's and and a few of my 40's - needless to say, I've been "out of the loop" for a while.  I come to this site and I'm totally jazzed that people are excited about seeing a dirty old "barn-fresh" bike - Dave McCullough's new '68 steel tanker.  Way, way cool.) (long parenthesis.....) but I'm back and I'm a sponge - eager to sop up all the wisdom I can get from the knowledgeable, informed good folks who come here.  POG is a fine example of grass-roots organizing and all its members and contributors should be comended for their efforts and passion for this unique bit of motorcycle history.  I can't wait for the day that I am able to attend an event and ask a Penton if he would sign my steel tank!!!  (How cool is that, that Pentons are so willing to do this!  Way!)  

On another note, on 12/30 Lt. Governor of Ma$$achu$ett$, Kerry Healey signed a bill that allows compensation of up to $500,000.00 for those wrongfully convicted/incarcerated.  Yours truely is 6th in line with his hand out for compensation for 21 years loss of life and time spent with my family and my children.  The money won't come for a long time and regardless of being exonerated the stigma of being in the can for 21 years still! makes it difficult to find a good job in the fields in which I wish to persue.  In other words, I'm poor and the Penton is going to be a work-in-progress and may take a bit.  

That's it!


P.S.  If you're not in a big hurry to part out the stuff we talked about I'll be in touch with you within the next few months.  Of course - sell everything if you can, but I am interested in the ignition.

peter f. kane
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]


  Thanks for your touching story and the strength to tell it.  I hope that I have the opportunity to meet you someday.  I have never been in the situation you have had, but you are living proof that it could happen to anyone.  Please keep the Penton on the front burner and my Prayers are with you to find a job.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh