Monster Mountain Video

Started by Mick Milakovic, March 02, 2005, 02:39:57 PM

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Mick Milakovic

Hi all,
I made a video from the MM cross country race back in November.  It's a Penton-only thing that I'm taking to florida with me.  I'll also have a TV and VCR with me, so anybody going should look me up and see your favorite Poggers in action:  Lew Mayer, Dennis Jones, Gary Ellis, Dwight Rudder, Teddy Landers to name a few [8D] I've been trying to figure out how to post it to the site for everyone to watch.  Someday I'll figure it out [:I]  Also, I'll have my camera in hand and make something new (watch out if you're camera shy) [}:)]


Dennis Jones

Mick, I hope you were not looking through your lens when I crashed in the ditch in front of you [8]

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

peter kane

Mike, did you record it on a digital camera? If so I may be able to help you out with getting it posted.

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]

Mick Milakovic

Dennis - You are the STAR of the movie ;)

Peter - I do have it on digital.  Do you want me to email it to you?  If yes, then I'd love to!


Dennis Jones

Mick, I won't be able to make Florida, But I would love to see a copy if you can email it.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones

Mick Milakovic

will do, Dennis!.  I'll attach it through the Penton Owners Group.


Mick Milakovic

Dennis, send me your email address off topic.  I can't attach the video through the group.




I ran that race too, can you email me a copy at [email protected]?




I'ld love a copy also. Thanks for doing this.


peter kane

Mike, can you shoot me an email in re the tape - I think I have it worked out to get it on line.

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]

Mick Milakovic

Peter - I sent you the video through two different methods.  Let me know if it makes it to you.  Thanks for your help,



Lew Mayer

Saw you running down south but was busy and didn't see how you wound up. Did you like that 250? We didn't get a chance to see the video. I would love to see it though.
Never mind about the results. I just saw the other post. Got in from Daytona at 6:30 this morning and I'm still WAAAYY behind on stuff.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer