CZ on Craigslist - Boston

Started by peter kane, March 17, 2005, 01:13:20 AM

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peter kane

Another one of those Craigslist rare finds for anybody interested.

Looks like a decent project bike.  It's 2 towns away from me 10-15 miles.  
Check out the rear sprocket, it's huge!  Can someone tell me why you'd want a sprocket that large.  PK

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]

Rain Man

hey Peter,Have you eva heard of mud season in maine?

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons

peter kane

Is that what that thing's for?  Why not just wrap the chain around the tire?  Looks scary - like something out of a Stephen King book.

...hey, he lives down there near you, doesn't he?:D

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]


Side pipe CZ's are to CZ fans what Steel Tankers are to us. Most of the hard to find parts seem to be intact although the pipe looks rough. If you could get it for a low enough price you might have a fun project.


By the way, I have a CZ shop manual if you decide to tackle this project. Let me know if you want a copy.


By the way, I have a CZ shop manual if you decide to tackle this project. Let me know if you want a copy.

peter kane

Thanks for the offer Richard.  I'm gonna have to pass on this one, unless of course you could loan me a grand. I'll pay it back as soon as my hunchback brother straightens up.:D

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]



Would they trade the CZ sidepiper for a 1971 Penton steel tanker? I love Pentons very much, but have been a CZ freak for just as long. My first two race bikes were a 1970 Steel tanker and a 1972 CZ 125. My steel tanker can be seen on the AHRMA WebMart site, scroll down towards the bottom. It is STILL for sale, along with a boat-load of spares.:)


peter kane

Clay, I've drooled over seen your bike on the AHRMA WebMart site.  No bites?  That's a 250 CZ, do you have any idea what year it is?  Is it worth a grand as it sits?  I spoke with the dude earlier and he told me it runs strong, but he's not sure what year it is.  He's the second owner and has used it for ice racing.  I suggested he post some brighter pix, get a year and VIN.

Raymond, do you know if a big sprocket like that would be used for ice too?

Peter Kane
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]
Peter Kane
1970 Six Day
Plainville, Massachusetts
[email protected]



Its appears to be a 1969, as evident by the fiberglass rear fender. In 1970, CZ went to a metal rear fender, then in 1971 the CZs went yellow. $1000 seems a bit high, but the bike has all of the good stuff on it. Thanks for enjoying the Penton. I'm shocked that it hasn't sold! I have so much money tied up in that bike, plus all of the extras, seems like a super deal to me. I don't understand it! People will pay $800 to $1200 for a beater on ebay but won't cough up $1300 for one (mine) in this condition!?[?]

Take care,


On the subject of the large (in diameter) rear sprocket all of the CZs had a large rear sprocket as memory serves me.[8D]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ron's right, all CZs had big sprokets on them. When I was about 15 my family had a Kawasaki dealership but we also sold Pentons and CZs. I raced them back in the early 70's before the Japanese bikes invaded and was always amazed by the size of CZ sprokets. That's just the way they were.

Paul Danik

  When your family sold CZ did any of them come with a wooden box of spare parts?  My old buddy Bob Augustine raced an ESO scrambler that was made by CZ and it came with a wooden box comtaining an assortment of spares from the factory.  I had almost forgotten about those spares till Ed Youngblood was giving Gary Roach and I a tour through a back room of the Museum building showing us some bikes that were on hand for the new MX exhibit and he showed us a box of spares that came with a loaner bike, hopefully they will display that box with the bike. I didn't know if they only did that in the very early days or if they still did that when you guys were a dealer.



We started selling CZ's and Pentons in about 1972 or 73. I remember the first set of CZ's we got were the yellow tanks, 1972 models I think. Each CZ came with an extensive set of tools but I don't recall the wooden box. However, I never uncrated the bikes so the tools could have been in a box. The tools that came with the bike included all of the specialized tools needed to completely dissasemble the engine.


Sorry, I didn't read your question closely enough. I don't remember any spare parts with the bikes, only the tools.