35mm forks on Ebay

Started by bentrims, March 17, 2005, 01:09:52 PM

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Hey guys I think I better go after the 35mm forks on Ebay. It looks like I will be pulling the baby Cerianis off every race if I do not convert:(.

I am not one to ever add weight to a bike but in this case I think I am risking the family jewels regularly bending the 32's.
Thanks Tom B

Gavin Housh

For what it's worth. The 35mm forks seemed to be a doable item cash wise until these posts started showing up about how good the 35s make the bike ride. It's got to the point where you can almost buy an entire bike for the cost of the forks. Just last week a pair went for around three hundred bucks on Ebay. Supply and demand is driving the price through the roof with no end in sight. Keep up the bidding boys. G man.

Lew Mayer

unless I'm mistaken, the only ones I see for sale won't work on your '72? Maybe you're bidding on a set I haven't seen. The ones I saw looked like they had a brake hub tab instead of the place to bolt the brake arm anchor. Just saying,look close before you buy.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Thanks Lew,

I dont even know... what I dont know about Pentons. All I do know is that my bike did not like that double jump as much as I did.[8D]
I think I located a NON-ebay pair..so as the other post says ..bid away boys.

Gavin Housh

Tom, The last time I did that to my six day the frame gussets under the front of the gas tank developed cracks on both sides. If you weigh 150LBS or less you can get away with that. But if your like the rest of us old guys we tip the scales at over 180. I put 12,000 mi on my bicyle last year and was able to get down to 170 but after returning home after a one month long trip across the country in August I resumed my less strenuous weekly milage of 100 miles. Six months later I'm back up to 180 and worrried about my frame again. Oh well I've got a box of donuts [:p] here I need to finish. Catch ya later, G man.



Very cool the number of miles you log trekking. Man that is a different kind of workout. I can remember getting done with a 60 miler and just sitting there stareing at things not wanting to move.

As in the Aesop fable about Icarrus and son, it costs us dearly when we fly too close to the sun. Saturday I broke a spoke and the best we could do was safety wire it. Sunday it was a flat tire in one moto and of course bent forks for the weekend.

Excel rims will be on for this race and better forks are in the works for later. No double jumps at Diamond Don's, just real old fashioned MX.

john durrill

 There was an article in Still Keeping Track on setting up a 250 for MX. Kent did the article. It would be worth looking at and apply all the reinforcing done to that bike to yours. We use to run engine struts on my 72 125. We modified some off a 72 Jackpine. Penton sold  a set as acessories at one time. It will stiffen up the engine cradle area of the frame. Ron, Donnie or Larry may have pictures of one of their frames that mods were done to back when. Adding some more reinforcing to the swing arms might be a good idea also if your running the shocks forward on the bottom.
 I say all this after watching you in Gainsville this year. I would have stopped you and said hi But you had your race face on and didnt look like you needed any distractions Chuckle Chuckle!
 Your pushing the frame to the limit and doing the mods on it and adding the braces would give you a much stronger bike.
 Best of luck,
 John D.


Hi John,

By any chance was that you that came over when the tools were flying? I came off the track with a flat rear tire and only had a race in between (4 laps) to put in the new tube. We just missed the gate by 30 seconds. I felt bad not talking to a couple guys that were nearby at the time but that pit area was more dangerous thab the track for about 10 minutes:)

That is some good advice on the frame. I did not know this was an area people had been modifying. I will look into it and closely look around my frame and swingarm.

I did have a shock let loose and totally blow out on Saturday. I am not sure if it was its time or not because they are the shocks the previous owner had on the bike. It is possible that they were under heavy labor from being mounted a little extra forward.

There aare alot of things I need to learn about this bike. THank you,
Tom B

john durrill

  No I was the old fat guy with a beard , a green Penton shirt on and 4 year old grandson in tow on Sunday .
 For sure look at the article I mentioned . It was a rare treat to see a bike of that vintage ridden to edge of the envelope in suspension and handling. Thats not to blow any smoke up your skirt or give you a big head chuckle chuckle. You and that bike seem to fit each other very well.
 John D.