Anyone Up For a Print Penton 'Zine/Newsletter?

Started by Jeremiah Jensen, July 13, 2001, 09:11:19 PM

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Jeremiah Jensen

I'm a former Editor at of Dirt Rider Magazine and Staff Writer at Dirt Bike (both in the 70's) & freelanfed for all thte bike mags of the day. I wanna offer my services in getting a Penton-oriented small magazine or newsletter going with good writing, informative pieces, ads, humour and all kinds of stuff for us Penton afficionados (I've owned several and am shopping to get back on a 6-Days or Jackpiner!)...anyone interested? I'd like feedback and/or volunteers to respond pls. I'd also consider doing a magazine of all similar dirt & REAL enduro bikes of the era: CZ, Rokon (I raced them, too!), Ossa (?), Monark (had one--fast engine!), Husky and/or ??? Also --if anyone would like to help raise funds/sell ads, I've wanted to do a nice Zine for "Senior/Vet/Master/Old Fart" dirt riders. Whaddya think?



I think it's a great idea.  My wife who has volunteered to help if you would like, worked for a publication for three years.  Please let me know how I can help.


Larry Perkins

As a writer and a racer that flogs Pentons around at many National races I would help in any way possible.  How big are you thinking?  I love Pentons and the interest in them from all angles has vastly increased since last years Penton display at Mid-Ohio, but maybe it is time for an American version of VMX or something along that line that covers Vintage and Post-Vintage.  I'm in if needed on any scale.




 I am no longer a Penton OWNER,, but am an avid enthusiast of the Penton bikes and people that surround them ... My late Jackpiner brought me to this group,, and the people are the greates there are ....

 As an owner of another Marque,, I feel that there is some really neat iron out there that should be exposed, Penton and otherwise,, and a US version of the VMX thing could be REALLY neat !

 It would be impossible for a magazine to bring to every interested readers' home, qualified help like Larry, Doug, Paul, Chris, and ALL the incredible people this site offers,,, but a lil exposure for these great guys and others invloved in other brands,, and all the things this sport is accomplishing, surely couldnt hurt !

 Im not a real great writer,, I write what I think,, and sometimes my thoughts are a lil off center,, but I can promote this thing is need be !   And I would be happy to assist !