Michigan Trail Riding 4/23 & 24

Started by Young Ted, March 31, 2005, 07:54:07 AM

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Young Ted

Bike requirements are spark arrestor and ORV sticker. The sticker cost is $16.25, and is good for the year. It is available on line and at Meijers and Wal-Mart stores. Not having a sticker could cost you $140 if checked by a conservation officer. For a sticker, all you need to show is your drivers license.
   The first ride will start Saturday, 4/23 at 9 AM at the Cedar Creek staging area on the south side of Fourth St./Ryerson Rd., east of Twin Lake on M-20, at the yellow flasher. From the east on County B31, Maple Island Rd., it is west on Ryerson Rd.
   Session two will start at 1 PM at the Holton Loop staging area on the north side of Brunswick Rd., between Blue Lake Rd. and Holton-Duck Lake Rd. North at the above flasher is Blue Lake Rd.
   On Sunday, 4/24, the start is at 9 AM at the Horseshoe Lake staging area on the east side of 184th Ave., north of Skeels Rd. and west of the M-120 & M-82 junction. What happens after this loop, we'll play by ear. Gassing up should not be a concern as this is the longest loop at less than 40 miles.
   The format is – if you show up, we ride. I will monitor this thread periodically and can be reached directly at 630-325-1859 or at e-mail [email protected].
   Overnight camping at the staging areas is not allowed. You can camp though along a two track on federal land. A list of area motels follows.
All Seasons       Hesperia      231-854-3965
Harrington Inn      Fremont              231-924-3083      800-233-5653
Best Western      Whitehall      231-893-4833
Ramada Inn      Whitehall      231-893-3030
Comfort Inn      Muskegon      231-739-9092
Holiday Inn      Muskegon      231-720-7100
Days Inn      Muskegon      231-733-7601
Amerihost      Muskegon      231-798-0220
Super 8              Whitehall      231-894-4848

Young Ted

Doug Wilford

Thanks for the informtion Ted,  The motel room is reserved, see you there.


A number of us from the TT & DRN sites are going up this Sunday (4/10) to Holton to ride.

WOn't be on my Penton. It's still sitting on diplay at Team Highland's in Cadillac. That and I still haven't gotten around to finding a new coil for it yet:( SOmebody on here had said they had one a long  time ago, but lost all teh contact info in a 'puter snafu.

This weekend will be the maiden voyage of my "new" CRF200R[8D]


How sad that this ride has been scheduled on the same weekend as the ISDT Vintage Qualifier which is basically a trail ride like the ISDTRR. We will miss you guys that are going to this ride instead.



Where's the qualifier being run at??


It is being hosted by the Razorback Riders who put on the ISDT Reunion Ride for it's first four years in Combs, Arkansas. Check it out at the ISDTVQ website //www.tlanders.com. Hope you can make it. Call me at 314-479-1612 if you have any questions.


Paul Danik

Young Ted,
  Just a note to let you know that I hope to make your trailride and my son-in-law may also join us. I have heard so much about riding in Michigan and am looking forward to the ride. I just gotta watch out for Doug at any water crossings:D, he likes to splash us kids!!!


Hi guys;
Don't mean to throw a damp towel on the proceedings but a word of caution is in order. The Michigan DNR has recently taken a dim view of "organized" rides and will consider them to be "events" which require extensive permitting. If Fed lands are to be traversed, those folks share the MDNR sentiments.

As a long-time member of the Cycle Conservation Club of Michigan, the group, humbly speaking, responsible for a large number of the trails now open to the public in the state, I can assure you that this is a serious potential problem.

I was on the GLDS (Great Lakes Dual Sporters) web site trying to get a few vintage guys with vintage bikes to come up to my place in northern Mich. for a little easy trail cruising ("Coots on Scoots")when I was politely given the word on my folly by Bill Chapin, the very well tuned in Executive Director of the CCC. [B)]

Sound like a major personal freedom infringement but there you are, another example of the 21st century Golden Rule. i.e., "Them with the gold rules". What a pain.

Telephone contacts work best for these types of gigs but the MDNR still might randomly show up and count heads. Make damn sure no route sheets or maps are handed out and you'll likely pass muster.

DOn't even ask how they find out about such plans - I was told they actually have "spies" in certain organizations, believe it or not.

Yours in paranoia,



I wouldn't worry too much about the DNR unless a large organized advertised event is planned. These trails are here to be used and are open. The CCC chapter KOM and the DNR just finisned a lengthy review and reroute of these exact trails and they expect and encourage useage. Mr. Chapin is correct about organized rides, of course, he's head of the Michigan CCC, (what a headache that must be sometimes!) but a small group of guys getting together to ride hardly qualifies. BTW, a couple of motorcycle vendors put on a December ride for bike shop employees every year and they gather and start on federal land because no permits needed and no hassels. That may change because our Mich. Nat. Forests are undergoing "review" this year. Think they'll open more? No, not likely. Anyway, lets go riding.
PS. Must have ORV sticker and spark arrestor, Quiet! The CCC publishes a map book of all the trails in Mich. anyone can look at ( free with membership in CCC) but all the trails are marked and you generally follow the loop back to the staging area, not easy to get lost. Dan Pagel CCC12137AC

1975 250 Cross Country, 1974 175 Jackpiner, 1975 125
1975 250 Cross Country, 1974 175 Jackpiner, 1975 125


You're probably right, Dan. Ted's ride shouldn't be a problem at all. However, at the risk of sounding like a human hemorrhoid, I wasn't gathering more than a 1/2 dozen vintage bikes and Chapin cornered me at RoS last year and (politely) told me where the bear pooped in the buckwheat.

I've also read many posts on the GLDS web site wherein Bill cautioned the boys about planned "cook-outs" and similar.

My only point is to keep it low profile and hope that some overzealous fish cop doesn't interfere. Heck, I might even make the non-event if Penton children (KTM's) are invited.

Keith Uutinen, CCC #AC5697;)


Young Ted

The thoughts and comments about legality are fine. If they make someone think before going hog wild, it is a plus. I am well aware of the DNR and trails situation, which is exactly why the ride was set up this way. I spent yesterday at Horseshoe Lake with about 20 other riders that got together from a post on  the DRN.net/Michigan Trail Riders site. We do this all the time year 'round. Most of the problems start due to no ORV sticker, riding an unlicensed bike on a road or going over 50' from a marked trail. At Cedar Creek, the gravel road from the blacktop to the staging area is a county road. Warm up a bike with no registration on that road and you are in the wrong 100%. I'm looking forward to a good time with plenty of laughs,which is what happens on all the trail rides in Michigan. Didn't get enough yesterday so I'm going back tomorrow.

Lets Ride, Young Ted

Young Ted

   Yesterday it was brought to my attention that at one Meijers sport department the personnel have been instructed to require anyone buying an ORV sticker with a non Michigan drivers license, also purchase a  Sportcard. This costs another dollar and is NOT required. What is required is an ID Card, which is free. The information from your license is put on the ID Card, which has no expiration date. The Sportcard is for hunting and fishing licenses. Should the clerk say you are wrong, have them call the Department of Natural Resources at 517-373-1275. I called this number earlier today and that is where this information came from.

Young Ted

rob w

Young Ted,

 I know you're always warmed up, ready and willing to ride. Are you planning to ride the Spring Pine Cone Family Enduro the following weekend in Kalkaska?

If I have that in my head, maybe I'll start setting up my bike abit differently and get ready for that as well.

Anyone else going to the Pine Cone, please jump in, I'm curious.


Young Ted

Bob - Yes I'll be riding the Spring Pine Cone on the 30th, on the Penton. The morning part will be at 12 MPH and the afternoon at 18 MPH, for which you must be at least 9 years of age. Cost is $15 per person and since it is a permitted event, no DNR sticker required. You can also check the site - lansingmotorcycleclub.org for more info.
I'm lost as to why you would set up your bike different for these two weekends. They are both trail rides with the enduro requiring time keeping if you want to be competitive.

Young Ted