POG events

Started by Paul Danik, November 05, 2005, 08:43:44 AM

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Paul Danik

     The next POG meeting will be our annual family night, this is our yearly event when the wives and children are invited to attend the meeting and we have a nice social evening after a brief POG business meeting.  We order pizza and usually some of the folks bring a little tray of snacks from home for others to sample. We usually have some of the more talented of the attendees entertain us, last year we even got Al Born to play his harmonica for us. This event will occur on Dec. 1st. at 7 PM, location will be at the KTM headquarters in Amherst.

   The Penton Day at the AMA event will take place on Saturday Feb. 4, 2006 at the Museum. Alan Buehner has guaranteed that the weather will be as nice as it was last year so plan now on attending. If you have not visited the new Motocross America exhibit at the Museum this will be a perfect chance to not only see the exhibit but have a guided tour by the exhibits Curator, Ed Youngblood.  

   It is hard to believe but this will be out 5th annual event at the Museum.
