Prayer request

Started by Dave Withrow, November 15, 2005, 08:30:30 PM

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Dave Withrow

Anyone that has ridden an AHRMA event should be familiar with the name Corky Root.  He and his wife, Patti, are truely what vintage racing is all about......friendly, helpful...They just always seem to be there.
This past Sunday, Corky collapsed at the line while waiting for his heat at Monster Mountain in Alabama.  As I understand, he underwent successful open heart surgery today and the prognosis is good.  
Tonight, please join me in asking God to touch the Roots with his healing hand.  Thanks.


  Thanks for the update.  Corky and his Family will be in my Prayers.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


I have Corky And his family in my prayers here!

Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler
Thomas Carmichael

1970 125 Six Day
1976 250 Hare Scrambler

Paul Danik

   Thanks for passing the news along.  No one works harder at AHRMA events or could be any nicer than Corky and Patti. If I am not mistaken Corky carried a national number at one time in AMA dirttrack racing.


I talked to Patti Monday and yesterday. She was VERY frazzled Monday but sounded much better after the surgery yesterday. She said Corky is planning on being at the first AHRMA race in Phoenix in February!!! I won't repeat Rosemary's comment after hearing that.

Corky is a tough bird!!! After he keeled over, the EMTs were about 100 ft away and they hit him with the paddles three times to no avail. No heart, no breathing. They did artificial respiration on him for a while and then gave up - he was gone. Patti was holding his hand and shouting at him to not leave her. After about 8 minutes he gasped and then came back. The hospital credited the fast response of the EMTs hitting him with the paddles for his recovery. I want to thank God for the EMTs being right there to do the right thing and to thank Him for Corky's recovery.
