
Started by kevin k, November 29, 2005, 06:22:20 PM

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kevin k

Being an A.H.R.M.A. competitor and running some of the Cross-country races, after the Casey National I decided I needed a Historic class bike to run. Having raced several Penton's over the years,and discussed racing w/several P.O.G. members, but never owning one, I decided to post on this website for a  77 175cc or 250cc in August. I received several replies and after several weeks of e-mails w/photo's and telephone call's, I decided to purchase a dissassembled 77 175  GS from a Dan Prince in Sammaminish, WA (Seattle). I sent off 2 Postal money order's to cover the cost of the bike including shipping.  Well, after Months of excuses why the bike has'nt been shipped,  Including the latest on 11/11/05 stating the bike will be shipped in 3 days w/confirmation numbers ,I,m loosing hope that this purchase will ever be completed.  As soon as he got the money the comunication has nearly stopped but not totally.  He states that I have'nt been scammed but has'nt made any effort to ship the bike.  Any suggestions?  Any body ever heard of this guy?  His P.O.G.  profile is  dan p   Just as a side note ,  from my experience  I must have decided to have business dealing's with the only dishonest Penton guy I,ve ever encountered.   Kevin  Kline


Does the bike exist? Is it possible you could go and pick it up?

Rod Whitman
1972 6 Day (Rider)
1972 6 Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Sorry to hear about the trouble you are having. If you used U.S. Postal Service money orders and/or sent them via the U.S Postal Service then I would go to the local post office and file a claim of mail fraud. I assume you still have his address and telephone number so you may also want to call the local law enforcement department in his hometown or county of residence. Ask them if you can file a fraud report and/or just see if they can pay this guy a visit to show you mean business. Print out copies of all correspondence via email with seller and hang onto the money order receipts. You might also want to create a phone log of any telephone calls to and from seller. Make specific notes in the log of dates, times and what you talked about. These items will be of great value should you have to take this guy in court. Last but not least, if possible print out a copy of the ad he place showing the bike for sale. Hope this helps !! Good luck and keep us advised of the situation so that others will not fall prey to this same character.
Dave McCullough

G Ellis

Kevin, If you are the one from Indiana? If so you should of picked up the bike I had I would of delievered it so you could look at it. Infact I still have that MC5 250. Hope you get some good news soon.See you Later Gary Ellis

Bryson Williams

I have a suggestion, call the dam cops. You have the answers call the Sheriff's office in that county and tell them your story.  Be prepared to defend your position and your investment.

Have copies of your money orders available and confirm that he cashed them.  This chump is commiting fraud and theft in the amount of money you have sent.

If they won't help e mail me off line I'm in the business and have friends in low places in that neck of the woods.



Kevin:  Email the guy and let him know you are filing a complaint with the US Postal Inspector's office for mail fraud.  He has committed/committing a US federal crime.  Give him 1 last chance with this info to ship it to you.  Tell him all he has to do is ship it via Foward Air and it only involves him taking it to them and tyiong it down in one of their containers.  Give him a deadline of say 48  hours for Foward Air to contact you and if they don't file a complaint and call local Sheriff's office.


Are there any members here that live near this guy who could pay him a visit?  Sometimes direct contact is the best way to resolve these types of things

Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
Kevin J. Donovan
Foster, Rhode Island
72 Jack Piner
72 Six Day
73 Hare Scrambler
74 Hare Scrambler
74 Mint

Big Mac

Keep the faith---I've met Dan Prince and bought my 250 HS from him a few years ago. He may be the king of procrastination but I don't think he's out to scam anyone. He sent me a fork leg I needed last spring in exchange for some old parts I didn't need. May be a bit flakey, but I expect his intentions are honest.

Maybe Thom Green ([email protected]) or Matt Sullivan ([email protected])can assist. They're Seattle-area Penton guys and may be able to stop by his place, maybe even pickup the bike for drop-off at Forward Air. Might get the ball rolling for you. I'm 3 hrs south, but would otherwise try to lend a hand.

Jon McLean
Lake Grove, OR

kevin k

Guys ,  I appreciate the replies and ideas.  I,ve got copies of all the e-mail,s  pictures of the bike  (appears to be painted and ready for assembly ) copies of the cashed postal money orders and copy of the signature confirmation.  Also times and dates of our telephone conversation's.  I've filed a complaint w/ the post office along w/a Money order inquriry  but they're pretty much pointing me toward a lawyer.  I beleive my next step will be calling the Washington area police and seeing were that goes.  I,ve already let him know I was filing a complaint with the Postal Inspector General and only received another empty promise.         Mac's reply does give me the feeling I might get the bike SOME day, but it's been nearly 3 month's at this point .        Gary---  Yeah it's me..  I had already sent off the Money before you found the 76-250.....   Who know's ,  if this deal every does though..... WoW-- what's that shreaking sound... OH,  it's just my wife in the background!!!    Kevin