POG meeting

Started by chicagojerry, December 01, 2005, 10:41:57 PM

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just got home from ktm headquarters and the POG meeting. a good time was had by all. pat leimbach is truly great speaker. music, food, good people, talk about penton motorcycles...... life is good
:D chi jer

Paul Danik

Thursday evening the POG had a wonderful family night meeting, we ate, we listended to beautiful music, we cried and we laughed.

    I was quite surprised when I arrived at the KTM boardroom and not only was Karen Turner in full period costume and warming up on her dulcimer but her friend Linda was also in costume and playing her dulcimer, a dulcimer duo. We were treated to several songs at the opening of the evening and the girls also played while we had our social time, at the end of the evening they played to the accompaniment of Al Born on his harmonica.

   Scott Barnhart, also known as Woodsie, entertained and enlightened the group with his account of his ride of a lifetime and he also ingrained in us some valuable lessons of life.

   Mrs. Leimbach once again gave us some insight into what makes the Penton clan tic and told a few tales about her Big Brother John.  This issue of the POG newsletter features her son Ted who passed away in 1980, Mrs. Leimbach read to us her article that she wrote when Teddy died, I don't think there was a dry eye in the room as this lovely lady read to us her account of the passing of her son.

   I want to thank everyone who helped in any way to make our evening together such a memorable event.


        "Success does not come from setting records, accumulating wealth, establishing a business, or erecting monuments.  People are the name of the game.  To have success you must build upon the immortal mind with love: without prejudice or greed".

                           John Alfred Penton
                           October 15, 1988