2001 ISDT Reunion Ride

Started by Jeff D, July 22, 2001, 12:27:43 PM

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Jeff D

A quick update on the 5th Annual ISDT Reunion Ride/Leroy Winters Memorial, October 26-28, Park Hills, MO.
1.  The number of ISDT veterans committing to coming this year increases each week.  Last year we had 19 vets with us...this year I expect to easily double that number, maybe close to triple it!  If Paul Danik can get Ron Bohn to shake loose out of PA, we will have the entire 1973 Vase A champions reunited...Malcolm Smith, Dick Burleson, Ed Schmidt, Sr, and Ron Bohn.  Team manager Jack Lehto called me and said he will be there, too!  Dave Eames, Al "Mr. ISDT" Eames son, is coming also.  Lots of former Penton team riders either commmitted or trying to work it into their schedules, too.  We are trying to get Bud Ekins to attend, but this is an extreme longshot at the moment. It will be a great year for autographs!!
2.  The Missouri Mudders M/C has entry forms available.  There is still some confusion about the various classes, but don't worry...it will be taken care of by key time and the main point is to come ride and have fun.  The classes were restructured to allow AHRMA cross country series folks to gain points from the Reunion Ride.  Again, don't worry, just come!  Entry forms available from Becky at Classic Motorcycles LLC ([email protected], 314-481-1291) or email me at [email protected] (913-381-4584) and I'll make sure you get one.
3.  Hotel reservations should be made early.  The unofficial HQ hotel is Roseners Inn, however they suffered a 4-alarm fire a couple of weeks back and lost about 25% of their rooms.  The rest of the place is still operational, but it would be a good idea to get your reservation made soon.  Their 800# is 800-888-4241.  Other nearby hotels are listed on the Reunion Ride website at //www.reunionride.com.  If you call Roseners and they are full, they will recommend others to you.
4.  Make sure your bike has headlight, taillight, license plate and 3 number plates.  Lights do not have to be operational, license does not have to be for that bike, current, etc.  The park requires spark arrestors for modern bikes, but older non-equipped bikes are OK if that is how they came stock..that is my understanding.
5.  Course layout:  Day 1 = 60 miles trail, timed terrain test, timed grass track lap, timed acceleration/braking test.  Day 2 = 40 miles trail, timed terrain test, 5 lap grass track motos.
6. You must be an AMA member to ride, due to park and club rules and insurance requirements.  AHRMA membership is not required unless you are entering as part of AHRMA cross country series for points.
7.  Itinerary:  Fri Oct 26  Impound 3-7PM, BBQ & Liars Session 6:30PM
Sat Oct 27  Late impound 7-7:30AM with 60-second late impound penalty.  Key time 8AM.  Banquet 6PM
8.  Pre-enter by Oct 1, 2001
$100 includes banquet ticket
$80 without banquet ticket (but you don't really want to miss it, believe me!)
$25 add'l banquet tickets.  Must have ticket to attend.
This will be an excellent year for the Reunion Ride and I hope you can join the fun.  The 2002 Ride may be held in the same location, not sure yet, and there is a big push to hold the 2003 Ride in the Berkshires to honor the 30th anniversary of the 1973 Dalton ISDT.
If you need  more info, drop me an email.  Also, if you know of ISDT vets who need info on this, please forward me names, addresses, phone #s, emails, etc. so we can get information to them
See you in October!
Jeff DeBell

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Larry Perkins

Jeff, you can sure bet that we will be there and I don't want to make waves but...  Becky was not able to explain how a Cross-Country National race which is a one hour event will work within a Qualifier type event that is based on an average speed and special tests.  Unfortunately I can't get an answer out of anyone involved.  When I saw The Reunion Ride last year I was determined to have some of the fun this year.  I like others are also competeing in The National Cross Country Series.  We don't want to miss out on the fun yet we don't want to do poorly in our race.  I think to say it will work out by start time is just a road to confusion come that day.  Clue us in so we can decide if we want to make this one of our races or not.  We won't miss the Reunion part no matter how it works.  Becky's remark at Mid-Ohio about decideing if a trophy is more important than fun felt like a slam to some of us that want to do both.  We weren't the ones that put the two together The Reunion Committe and AHRMA did.  We just want to play but in racing sooner or later play gets a bit serious.  Because we are serious we just want to know how the deal will work.  Regardless we are in.


Doug Wilford

It is really not in anyway your place to have to answer questions like Larrys'.   I will say to Larry and questioning others that they should be asking the right people! Which is not Becky or Jeff.    If you have questions and are concerned about having fun and a good ride, contact Ron Rabalzy (I know not how to spell his last name), anyhow that is who to contact.


Larry Perkins

Thank you, Doug.  I just thought that they were the ones to talk to on Reunion since they were promoting it.  My error.  I shouldn't have assumed.  You know what they say about that.  AHRMA wasn't any help but I will try Ron.  Thanks and sorry for any toubles to any and all.  Just trying to find out the scoop.


Jeff D

It is just speculation on my part, but I would guess that the special test times would be used to determine AHRMA cross country standings.  The time schedule for the trail work is generally so lenient that you won't lose time on the trail unless you suffer a flat, mechanical trouble or injure yourself.  The majority of people coming to the Reunion Ride are not coming to compete for AHRMA points but rather to have an enjoyable weekend visiting with the stars and enjoying their vintage machinery.  If people want to come ride for several hours and wick it up in the special tests for AHRMA points, that is great, but if you come expecting to ride flat out for an hour you will be quite disappointed.  While I enjoy the cross country series as much as the next guy, the Reunion Ride weekend is about the riding and fellowship, not about the racing.  Come expecting to have fun and you will go home happy.  
To my knowledge, the organizing club, Missouri Mudders, is aware of some of the complications already and is working to resolve them.  I would not flood them with inquiries/complaints...I'm hoping they will decide the Reunion Ride is so much fun that they will want to host it again next year.
Just my 2 cents worth.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Jeff D

It is just speculation on my part, but I would guess that the special test times would be used to determine AHRMA cross country standings.  The time schedule for the trail work is generally so lenient that you won't lose time on the trail unless you suffer a flat, mechanical trouble or injure yourself.  The majority of people coming to the Reunion Ride are not coming to compete for AHRMA points but rather to have an enjoyable weekend visiting with the stars and enjoying their vintage machinery.  If people want to come ride for several hours and wick it up in the special tests for AHRMA points, that is great, but if you come expecting to ride flat out for an hour you will be quite disappointed.  While I enjoy the cross country series as much as the next guy, the Reunion Ride weekend is about the riding and fellowship, not about the racing.  Come expecting to have fun and you will go home happy.  
To my knowledge, the organizing club, Missouri Mudders, is aware of some of the complications already and is working to resolve them.  I would not flood them with inquiries/complaints...I'm hoping they will decide the Reunion Ride is so much fun that they will want to host it again next year.
Just my 2 cents worth.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Jeff D

It is just speculation on my part, but I would guess that the special test times would be used to determine AHRMA cross country standings.  The time schedule for the trail work is generally so lenient that you won't lose time on the trail unless you suffer a flat, mechanical trouble or injure yourself.  The majority of people coming to the Reunion Ride are not coming to compete for AHRMA points but rather to have an enjoyable weekend visiting with the stars and enjoying their vintage machinery.  If people want to come ride for several hours and wick it up in the special tests for AHRMA points, that is great, but if you come expecting to ride flat out for an hour you will be quite disappointed.  While I enjoy the cross country series as much as the next guy, the Reunion Ride weekend is about the riding and fellowship, not about the racing.  Come expecting to have fun and you will go home happy.  
To my knowledge, the organizing club, Missouri Mudders, is aware of some of the complications already and is working to resolve them.  I would not flood them with inquiries/complaints...I'm hoping they will decide the Reunion Ride is so much fun that they will want to host it again next year.
Just my 2 cents worth.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Jeff D

It is just speculation on my part, but I would guess that the special test times would be used to determine AHRMA cross country standings.  The time schedule for the trail work is generally so lenient that you won't lose time on the trail unless you suffer a flat, mechanical trouble or injure yourself.  The majority of people coming to the Reunion Ride are not coming to compete for AHRMA points but rather to have an enjoyable weekend visiting with the stars and enjoying their vintage machinery.  If people want to come ride for several hours and wick it up in the special tests for AHRMA points, that is great, but if you come expecting to ride flat out for an hour you will be quite disappointed.  While I enjoy the cross country series as much as the next guy, the Reunion Ride weekend is about the riding and fellowship, not about the racing.  Come expecting to have fun and you will go home happy.  
To my knowledge, the organizing club, Missouri Mudders, is aware of some of the complications already and is working to resolve them.  I would not flood them with inquiries/complaints...I'm hoping they will decide the Reunion Ride is so much fun that they will want to host it again next year.
Just my 2 cents worth.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Jeff D

I am not sure how the cross country points will be scored, but my best guess from earlier conversations with Dick Mann is that the special test times will be used to determine class standings and points.  The time schedule on the trails is generally so lenient (in deference to the vintage bikes and also to allow "chat" time with each other at the checks)that you will only lose trail points if you suffer a flat, mechanical failure or injury, or stop to sight see, etc.  
The vast majority of riders will not be competing for AHRMA points, but the opportunity for AHRMA cross country competitors to wick it up exists in the various special tests.  Much like any reliability trials, keep up a brisk trail pace but reserve your strength, bike and speed for the special tests where 1/100ths of a second count.
If you come expecting to have a fun weekend, you will not be disappointed.  If you come expecting to ride flat out for an hour, you won't be a happy camper.  The purpose of the Reunion Ride is to allow riders to enjoy their vintage bikes in a non-competitive arena along with the opportunity to visit with America's off-road heroes.  There is the chance to be competitive if you want to, but again the majority of entrants are just there to ride and enjoy the weekend of fellowship.
The Missouri Mudders are aware of some of the issues being debated now, so I would not hound them with inquiries/complaints, etc until they have a chance to get this worked out.  Remember, this is a first for both the Reunion Ride and for AHRMA.  My hope is that the Mudders will decide to host the Reunion Ride again next year.  A bunch of complaints could ruin that possibility.  
Best advice for now is to just hold your respective horses and see what develops in the next couple of months.  Me, I'm gonna go have a ball and could care less about AHRMA x-country points.  That's not what I'm there for.

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell

Jeff D

Holy Cow!  Sorry for the mixup, gang..my computer burped in the middle of the first message and it got posted a dozen times!  My apologies...blame America On Line!  :)

Jeff DeBell
Jeff DeBell