Tis the season for Penton projects

Started by cubfan1968, December 20, 2005, 07:28:18 AM

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This winter many of the membership are starting or on the verge of completing their Penton projects. How about some completion photos showing the finished product. Or better yet a before and after like on December 2006 of the Penton calander. As a reader of the posts you get to feel like your part of the process. I for one would really enjoy seeing other folks completed work.

Rod Whitman
1972 6 Day (Rider)
1972 6 Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)



Good idea.  So, here goes ......
I have this project for Winter 2006 - beautification of my '74 6day.  Here is the link of before pics, and some in-progress pics ... http://www.wordcom.com/penton/74-6dayProject.htm

Getting some stuff bead blasted in the next several days (frame, cylinder fins, wheel hubs), and probably rims chromed.  

I'm going to paint the frame, cylinder fins, wheel hubs myself.  Dennis gave me paint brands/codes for the frame.  Anyone have any tips for the wheel hubs (black)?  Anyone have any tips on chroming the wheel rims?  Where can I find replacement spokes if these can't be reconditioned satisfactorily?

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


Nice project Larry. I really like the before photo after the Reunion ride.

Rod Whitman
1972 6 Day (Rider)
1972 6 Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)

Mick Milakovic

Good luck, Larry, I think it was pretty good looking to start with [8D]  Those pictures are really close and in focus.  I usually can't get that close.  How did you do it?



Rod,  yes, I love that picture, too.  It's got that insolent slouch that all naturally gifted athletes have, and the 6day is truly a gifted athlete.

I agree, it did look good before - if I hadn't raced it last Fall, I probably wouldn't be giving it a complete makeover.  But I started taking off a thing or two in order to clean them, and - like a loose thread in a sweater - before I knew it, I had the whole thing in pieces, and was lining up bead blasters, and paint formulas, and bugging several people with a zillion questions.  And I'm glad I'm doing it - there's rust in unseen places that I'll be able to stop in its tracks, so it should be good for another 30 years :-)
Hopefully it'll look better when I finish than it did when I started.

The pictures turned out so well because of the Sony digital camera I spent way too much on a year and a half ago, not because of any skill on my part.  My daughter plays varsity softball for Jenks, and I wanted a camera with a really good lens that would take excellent pictures and video of her.  What I didn't anticipate was how fantastic the camera (Sony!) would also perform on really close work.   I'm a slobbering Sony groupie on anything electronic - their products always rock.

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time

Dennis Jones

Rod, I can take pictures but have no idea how to post them [:o)]

Larry, Satin finish paint looks good on hubs and other black parts.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Thanks, Dennis!  Will do.

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


Dennis, thats a good question. I was going to ask my son tonight, but lets ask an expert computer guru. Larry how did you do it?

Rod Whitman
1972 6 Day (Rider)
1972 6 Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Larry, Great to see your Winter '06 Beautification project! It's really the first 74 Six Day I've seen on this site that is (was :) in full enduro trim, the way I've planned to finish my 74 125! Recently received some gorgeous Falk replica enduro fenders from Tom Brosious, acquired a VDO and large headlight from another famous POG member, and a bunch of other enduro trimmings from Al Buehners site! Frame and pipe just came back from bead blast and powder coat. It's all coming together fast and as soon as there's something other than the frame to look at I'll post some digital pics of mine! My first Penton and this is shaping up to be the best Christmas ever! Have next 9 days off to do nothing but putter with it out in the shop. Great therapy too in these stressful days! Best Wishes!

Chris Heeter
1974 125cc Six Day


Merry Christmas, Chris.

-  digital pics get transferred to the computer.
- then the pics get put into an HTML webpage document.  You can:
         - write the HTML file programming yourself, or
         - use Microsoft Frontpage software, or
         - just paste the pics in a Word document and save it as an HTML webpage (File/Save as/ and when the Save As window pops open, there will be two fields at the bottom; the first field is File name.   Under this field is another field that is labeled "Save as type" ... click the pull down list for this field and select "Web page". )

- then the HTML document (in which the pictures are now embedded) is uploaded to an Internet server.  I use my company's website, so my document "74-6dayProject.htm" on my website "www.wordcom.com" gets a URL address link of //www.wordcom.com/74-6dayProject.htm .  
               There are many free services that allow you to upload pictures for free onto their servers - Yahoo Briefcase is one, and I have seen several others being used by other POGgers on this site.  

It sounds hard (like when someone tells me for the first time "drop the needle down a notch", "check the float", "is the needle jet worn?" or when Dave McCullough told me today "bring your cylinder over when you're ready and I'll hone it" ..... and I'm looking at them like a dazed trout ) but after a couple of passes at it, it gets much easier.

Larry Seale
I choose to ride
Larry Seale
I choose to ride...slower and slower all the time


Chris, so you powder coated the pipe also. Gots 2 questions, #1 How does it look? #2 With the heat process of the powder coating does it get hot enough to clean the pipe out?

Rod Whitman
1972 6 Day (Rider)
1972 6 Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)


Rod, my apologies, I didn't powder coat the pipe, only the frame. Just meant that they were done by the same company, at same time, and picked up together. I've seen speculation here on POG site about coating the pipe or not. Also for that kind of dough I didn't want to risk wasting the $$ to have 15 inches of it burn off on the first long, hot ride!

Merry Christmas,

Chris Heeter


Larry, are you doing anything with your triple clamps?

Rod Whitman
1972 6 Day (Rider)
1972 6 Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)

Dennis Jones

Rod for my riders I bead blast them, hit them with scotchbrite, superfine steelwool and semichrome, and finish with a soft cloth. They look real good and you don't have to worry about paint chipping.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Thanks for the tip, Dennis. Do you have a problem with them tarnishing or is the key just to keep them clean and polished?

Rod Whitman
1972 6 Day (Rider)
1972 6 Day (Project)
Rod Whitman
Omaha, Nebraska
1972 Six Day (Rider)
1972 Six Day (Project)