Thanks to PVR for a fine swapmeet

Started by Paul Danik, January 23, 2006, 08:26:36 AM

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Paul Danik

I want to thank the PVR and their crew for keeping the York, PA swapmeet alive, POGGER Bob Gilman is one of the PVR gang who run this fine event, all of their crew were friendly and helpful.  I know I had a great time and enjoyed seeing old friends as well as making some new ones.  The POG was well represented and it was great to talk to all of the guys and hear of their search for that elusive part or machine.  I did get a warning from Bob Gilman about having a wheel or two migrate into the isle from my booth, but those darn bikes just don't seem to stay where I put them:D

Thanks again PVR.


Paul could you give a run down of some of the bikes that were seen that were for sale. Did they have a bike show like they did in the past.


Steve Metz

Paul Danik

Steve, we missed you yesterday. The most notable machine that I saw was a Sachs powered Cyrus.  This machine looked like it should have been in "The Art of the Motorcycle" exhibit.  I could really kick myself for not asking the price and maybe bringing it back to Mars, it was one really neat machine. It appeared to be complete and in fairly good shape. I wanted to check it out further but by the time I had a chance it was being wheeled out.

     They had the show in the other hall, but I didn't get much of a chance to look at the machines.  I had a booth with 8 machines of mine and 3 of my buddies in it and we were busy all day.  Maybe one of the other guys can give more details of the show bikes.

     One of the guys was picking up a Zundapp powered Sprite but I never saw it, actually I still have not found any writing on a Sprite powered by that engine, but I am still looking.

    I picked up a MCB and I am amazed by how many items on it are the same as the steel tank Penton.

Interesting machines and interesting people, that is York!



My hats off to the PVR club, another fine day of Vintage bikes and great people, i really enjoyed meeting all the fellow Poggers, i hope everyone enjoyed looking at my Jackpiner, it was funny to see so many different groups of people that came from inside walk out to have a look at it, everytime i looked out to my truck people were gathered around it, Paul it was great talking with you and how lucky it was i found the guy with the Monark and got you to him, OK, next year can't get here soon enough, thanks all !!

Mike Gallagher -          73 Jackpiner, 73 Six Day
Mike Gallagher, NJ.
[email protected]



Thanks for the review. I wish I could have come up and hung out with my old buds from POG and PVR. I bought my first Penton at York many years ago. That was my friend Mac picking up his Sprite. I have two Zundapp powered Sprites. They were also sold as American Eagle bikes. Well made bikes with nickel plated frame,magura controls,REH forks and hubs. They are great handling bikes. The same frame was used in thier 405 which used a copy of the Husky 400 4 speed motor. Sold in the USA frm 68-72. Some of the later Sprite/AE has Sachs 6 speed motors. The trials version had and iron barrel 5 speed Sachs. The suposedly sold a lot of the Trails bikes here in the US but I have never seen one.

Steve metz