100cc Sachs

Started by Chakka, January 27, 2006, 10:23:48 PM

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I havn't seen a 100cc Sachs top end for sale in a long time. It has to be well over a year and I am a rabid Ebay watcher. Have these pretty much gone the way of the Dodo Bird and KTM clutch actuators?

Can a 125 be sleeved down?




   I don't see any reason that you couldn't put a new sleeve in a 125 cylinder casting, to reduce it's bore to 48mm. I don't know if I'd consider actually putting a sleeve inside of a 125 liner.

   One thing that you should be aware of, when you begin to push the liner out of the casting, you should first push it down a short distance, then use a burring tool to remove the burrs off the top of the ports, created when the ports are matched, before you push the liner out the rest of the way. If you don't remove the burrs, you can screw up the casting bore and it won't hold the liner in tightly.


Kip Kern


What year top end are you looking for? early, mid late?  I'll bet have an extra one and piston here in my shop. Drop me a email;)