why "Gooey" ?? I've had some folks ask ....

Started by gooey, August 06, 2001, 10:28:03 PM

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I have had some folks ask recently ( not only from here) about this goofy nickname of mine,,, its really not as nasty as it sounds ... my last name being McGrew, the guys at work a long time ago,, 6 or 7 years,, went thru the rhymes, and landed on "Gooey" as a version of McGrew ... yes,, they DO need treatment ... but i like em all LOTS !

 Anyway,, in my re-entry into the Sport, I found there was ANOTHER Mark McGrew ,, involved in AHRMA racing (although a different venue) in the state neighboring mine to the North,, and I can be a lil outspoken,,, so to offer him the common courtesy of not being blamed for any comments or stupid things I might do or say,, I have used my existing nickname (even the wife uses it ,,, and 2 of my 3 stepchildren ...)

 So there you have it ,, and it really isnt nasty at all,,, just a way for my friends to address me ...

 sorry to take up this space,, but i thought I would take a second to clear it up ... Im really not a dirty old man ...( ok, maybe I am,, but thats a dif story )