'72 Mudlark...what to do?

Started by crowbar37, March 21, 2006, 10:58:37 PM

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  Stay tuned to this site as you see there is a wealth of information because no one person knows it all.  Dennis and Lew have been a tremendous help to me and the suggestions Dennis made are Tried and Proven after all he won a National Championship in 2001 on a Mudlark.  Good luck and keep us updated.

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh

Lew Mayer

Dennis, I bow to the Master. You actually ride yours well.[8D]

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


Got a little work done, lubed cables, clean, adjust...  Tried to lower the needle, already as low as it could go.  Reamed a #8 brass flat washer to 1/4" i.d. and used it to raise the needle jet.  That helped considerably.  If one was good, two will be better, right?  Still need to get it crisper.  Any suggestions?  I'll watch the plug.
  Also swapped the front brake to the left side, cable routing looked a bit awkward with right side brakes.  Shouldn't it be on the left?
  Been riding a little on a dirt pile in our pasture, still need to shorten that rear brake lever.  Thanks Dennis, I'd have just blamed my poor abilities rather then look down at the problem.
  What's the difference between a trials throttle and the original Amal?  I understand the danger of factory levers, may rig something with misc. leftovers from the Yamaha's, two Michelins on the Penton and four Coopers on the Suburban are all the budget will handle for now.  Debt is evil.
My son's been riding while I do the "have to" chores.  He's going to make me look bad real soon, yesterday.  Hope the event organizers will let us enter with one scooter between us.
Thanks to all for the help and encouragement.

Dennis Jones

JT it sounds like you're on the way. The brake hub came on the right but you are right that the cable routing is cleaner on the left.
You may want to play with the air screw and jet to get it clean on the bottom.
Your stock throttle will work just fine but the Amal trials throttle I mentioned is a side pull version that gets the cable out of the way. The stocker tends to snag on things and is prone to kink where it enters the housing if/when you drop the bike.
You can cut the brake lever off near the pivot and cut 1 1/2" off and weld it back on and it still looks stock and gives good control.

Dennis Jones
Dennis Jones


Stomach flu, tire shipment delayed, maybe next month.