Tom can "cook"

Started by DKWRACER, April 01, 2006, 08:11:12 PM

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Welcome to the next adventure of TCC...It's amazing what can happen upon a BBQ, one of the great traditions in America. For this very simple formula:
1 .5 packet of MCCormick "mesquite"
2 oz. h20
2 0z. cooking oil
2 cloves garlic (minced)
mix all-together for a marinade
gather some steak, pork chops, round tips of beef, I usually find bargains in the day old section of local market
Marinate in "reefer" Rob, leave it bee...8 hrs......
fire up the coals, cook until tender and continuous pour some leftover marinade.
A salad, pretty simple but rec. some real blue cheese crumbs along with favorite dressing, croutons...
Oh, the baked potatoe, well I guess what would happen there
a glass of white zin, helps ease the pain
OK , so I'm sic
after spending the whole day in the shop working on ur Pentons, take a break!!![:p]
Tom Brosius [^]
Thomas Brosius

Rain Man

Tom, you'd make a great neighbor, Build bikes, ride em, come home and BBQ and drink wine.. er I like Colarado beer personally.
  Just remember to look both ways when crossing the ATV trail...
mista... they hit at least 60mph in my back yard   yeeeoow !!;)

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons