info and request

Started by TGTech, July 21, 2006, 04:07:05 PM

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For those of you who haven't heard, unfortunately, due to the AMA's infinite wisdom, I will not be able to attend VMD this year. Because it is being held on the same week end as the beginning of the AMA Amateur National Championship Motocross at Loretta Lynn's, and because that is a huge part of my avocations, I'm going to be down there, immersed in all the activities.

I just want to wish everyone who's attending VMD, the best time of the summer and safe trips.

When I get on here after VMD is over, I'm hoping to see lots of great pictures from the event, to try and fill in the blanks.



I was hoping to meet alot of the people I've heard about on this site, but if you have to go racing, go, and give 'em hell. We'll meet at some future event I'm sure.[^]

Lew Mayer

You'll be missed, Dane. Have fun at Loretta Lynn's.

Lew Mayer
Lew Mayer


You will be more than missed, Dane.  Won't be the same without you.  Bummer.  Have a good time at LL's, though.  Reb & I will see what we can  do about getting a few pictures.