More fun than I deserve!

Started by GaryDowling, August 03, 2006, 10:42:16 AM

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Hey everyone,
You may have followed my exploits on the Wanted/For Sale Forum (Wanted Father/Son Project).

Don Roth (the "enabler" for my new habit!) shipped us his 73 Six Day. I picked it up last Friday at Forward Air. The dock supervisor and two dock workers kept me for an hour poking the bike, talking about Pentons and checking out my fold-up Kendon bike trailer.

On the way home, through Atlanta - got three honks/waves/thumbs-up from "old guys".

Got the bike home, gassed it up - fired on first kick! After terrorizing my cul-de-sac, my neighbors came over for an adult beverage and visitation of my new "baby". More Penton stories, most ended with "when I raced, I couldn't keep up with the Pentons..."

My son (12 yo) thinks this bike is very cool and we have examined every square inch - twice - and poured over the owners/service manuals. We have already started our to-do list to begin our tinkering and improvements.

Thanks again to Don for his patience, education and selling us a great bike and to Paul Danik, Ron Carbaugh, and Doug Wilford for providing guidance. Ed Youngblood's book is now well worn & dog-eared from reading it and re-reading it.

Big plus on Don's bike is that it is street legal and was his "daily driver". The bike is now insured and licensed in Georgia and I plan to ride on the street with regularity. Just got back from a quick ride through the neighborhood - I can't stop smiling. I really forgot how cool these bikes were.

Not only does the Penton provide a great father/son project, it fulfills a childhood goal of mine, to own a Penton Six Day. I can't stop messing with it everytime I go into the garage. When my wife is looking for me - she knows exactly where I'll be.

This bike is truly, more fun than I deserve!

More to follow - I am confident I'll be posting many requests for information and guidance. Please be patient with the "new guy".


Gary Dowling
1973 Penton Six Day
Gary Dowling
1973 Penton Six Day


Gary if you and your son are in the St Simons GA area this summer give me a shout and stop on by for a vist. I have 90 vintage dirt bikes in my collection.


Thanks for the offer. In fact we were thinking of a weekend golf trip in that area before school starts and in October I'm planning to participate in a vintage car rally that ends in St. Mary's.

Thanks for thinking of us. I'll let you when I'm headed your way.


Gary Dowling
1973 Penton Six Day
Gary Dowling
1973 Penton Six Day


Gary, I read your story and it put a smile on my face. No need of paitence.... we were all there once. I remember going down the street to where my friends live, their father raced Triumphs back in the day and I would "bother" him for hours on end. Several years later, the subject had come up and he said I asked so many questions that at times I was on the edge of being annoying. I quess I must have asked the same questions many times. I appoligized but he said there was no need. I remember a couple of years ago after I had gotten my Penton out and dusted off the cob webs, It was to be a father/son adventure I found this site and asked alot of fool question, everyone was so nice and they answered them all. Now my Sons bike sits in the corner collecting cob webs and I have continuted to ride and race. Maybe after college we can begin to ride again...Keep up the good work, That boy of yours needs you more now than ever... I for one have cherished the days we rode together.[8D]

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
75' GS400 (project bike)
72'sixday (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W


Hey Thom,
Thanks for the thoughts. My son and I are getting greasy, busting knuckles, losing small washers & nuts, smelling like pre-mix, and just generally having a great time.

I have three kids and have specific hobbies/sports with each of them. My oldest will be a Senior in College this Fall and my youngest, is the motorcycle enthusiast. I have always felt having joint interests with your kids, helps build memories and keeps the bond going.

Thanks again for the encouragement,

Gary Dowling
1973 Penton Six Day
Gary Dowling
1973 Penton Six Day

John E

desmond197: why didn't you say so?
I was just over at Warner Robins riding my son's recently completed '74 BMW R/75 and we needed a destination! Maybe next time.



It is hard to spend much time with my son since he move away to start school, I talk to him everyweek or two but that just does not seem enough.. I miss him I do, my daughter is getting married this winter and so she is over at the house a couple of times a week, Nice to have her around... boy they grow up fast....I have a sixday project that I will keep, It will be my son's when he comes home. I am sure we will find time to ride.... my bikes will be his some day but for now it will be good just to spend time with him....

Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
76' 250 MC5 (orginal owner)
75' GS400 (project bike)
72'sixday (project bike)
Thom Green,Still crazy after all these years!
74\\\' 1/2 440 maico
70\\\' 400 maico (project)
93\\\' RMx 250 suzuki
2004 Suzuki DL1000
1988 Honda Gl 1500
2009 KTM 400 XC-W