Motor side covers

Started by thrownchain, August 11, 2006, 12:07:38 PM

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I've seen side covers with and without the Penton name on them.
Which is correct?? were they both available?? just on some models or years?? Was it an option or stock??  thx [^]

Larry Perkins

Here is the abbreviated story version as I heard it.  

John and Sachs got into an argument about changes that Penton would like Sachs to make before shipping motors.  Sachs did not want to do them so Penton made the changes in house.  John had all the Sachs part ground off the sidecovers and the Penton metal stick-ons replaced where Sachs went.  Eventually there were some legal talks and John quit doing the tag replacement and Sachs did the adjustments John wanted on their end.

Both were used but it seems 74-75 was the tag replacement time if you are trying to be super historically correct.

Larry P


Larry, how ya doin'??  So pre '74 would have Sachs covers and '74 and ' 75 could have either, or strictly Penton? or it depends on what I've got to use?? Either way could be correct??   thx


  Either way is fine......we aren't holding court we just enjoy Pentons.[:p]

Ron Carbaugh
Ron Carbaugh


Ron, I was just curious, you see both covers and you wonder. So i'm just gathering info.  thx   Dan

Rain Man

Wow, and I thought the Sachs side covers were just for the slow bikes.  All the fast bikes say KTM on them :D
  well at least mine do !!

 Down East Pentons
 Down East Pentons